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Everything posted by wombat

  1. everyone is entitled to an opinion. on this subject they are wrong...have a look at Portugals success where they took it one step further
  2. wombat dont need no google to tell him that in the future, what is now will be referred to as the wonderland of weed revival of tourism in Thailand.
  3. Dipped sticks? Isn't that the same urban legend as they were grown in opium crop soil to increase potency?
  4. the extended stomach where a person is not a woke pregnant male, appears to be the tell
  5. turning into a real ditch jumper is your bojo. pay for your gas in roubles before winter or your countrymen will turn on you
  6. give it a break...i can think of 4 presidents before trump that compounded the stuff ups trump inherited and yet here you are blaming trump?
  7. the state that just flipped after 150 years of being stoic gives me the indication these polls are being optimistic
  8. They sure do...their is a very pretty lady in a wheel chair with the neatest bike and side car set up that gives her independence I ever did see at the entrance to Friendship market every lottery cycle
  9. So the sellers are the biggest gamblers? 1 they gamble they will sell all their tickets. 2 they gamble that any tickets they don't sell are winning tickets to cover their loss. Curious asks...am I correct?
  10. Only if you are not a Buddhist grasshopper. From confusion comes clarity.
  11. FIFY.... take a breather, have a joint... research, talk to each other and have another joint...
  12. I drove along there on the night of the 14th...all the vendors were parked up along the length of the road ...not on the beach ....lots of people enjoying cholera carts food and enjoying the new beach. The businesses were not on the beach.
  13. I'll say it again...when Thai Gold Shops accept crypto for gold then it is a legitimate currency. Untill then it remains a pump and dump Ponzi scheme for the tech elite.
  14. I'm comfortable in wearing them now and would feel naked outdoors without one on. I will be wearing one outdoors if the mandate is lifted or not. Have you not noticed the pollution excrement that collects on the outside of your mask that the mask has stopped going into your lungs?
  15. With all the negative posts you have made about a plant that has had more money spent on it than any other plant ever to find something wrong with it but can't I'd suggest you fall on your Christian upbringing sword and admit that Genesis 1:29 is valid in a country which the term "up to you" means just that
  16. That ain't gunna fly here when you can get a headed plant for 1500 baht from the govt nursery
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