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Everything posted by wombat

  1. scab some ciggy butts from the dirt and soak them in water to make a pest killer ...nicotine was originally used as a bug killer
  2. blood & bone will fix that and not damage the plant
  3. I am but a guest in this country and I certainly live in interesting times.
  4. and singing like a canary to get the box ticked that says...gave useful infomation
  5. I guess thats because of the religion of peace mob ....infidel jews they dont like at all
  6. hydatid cysts should be taken into consideration if you're eating raw meat...those little suckers will kill you
  7. they must be removed and left on the door handle at my place
  8. Vegans wearing prints of edible animals. Makes sense to me...I think.
  9. Why are you assuming he hasn't been for a drive round town?
  10. Hasn't happened though has it? My point is valid yours is conjecture.
  11. It's rain with a t in front of it, silly Billy.😊
  12. er...in case its gone over your head weed was removed from the narcotics list
  13. what you should be asking is how am I treating retirement not the other way round.
  14. Everyone has the right to an opinion...if you condem weed yours is wrong
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