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Everything posted by smedly

  1. not properly regulated and open to abuses like fraud, yes it's a good idea if you want to hide money
  2. he was either murdered or has left the country, the kanman should be facing the death penalty - village head men, what exctly are they, from what i have seen they are big fat guys that bully people - get rid of them
  3. is this area prone to flooding put thailand in charge of such a dangerous plant is imo extremely risky
  4. as long as the pocket money has been paid then the subs contract can sink, a very careful look at the procurement finances might uncover something - like a big leak
  5. imagine for example the UK police announcing that they would no longer enforce traffic laws - MOT'S were also binned, how long would it take before we see road safety deteriorate, you obviouly don't understand the roll that police play and more so - human behavior
  6. while the world ponders over self drive vehicles - the sooner the better here, take the Thai driver completely out of the driver seat - its got to be an improvement no matter what
  7. no kidding it is lack of enforcement of basic traffic rules that end up with this if the Thai police were doing their job properly there would be very few dunk drivers on the roads and the same applies to speeding the police need to do their job - I am not convinced they even know what their job is but what I do know - there are to many sensless lives being lost and if the police actually did there job they would be saving countless lives
  8. hate to say this but it is increasing common place for Thais to end up fatal very sad but could have been avoided RIP
  9. fake fake - fake we in the west gave them the technology, it won't be long before we regret thatspys spend years trying to protect from industrial espionageand leaked secrets and yet we gave the state of the art designs for free....yes we gave them technology they could never develope themslelves - handed on a plate
  10. is there any money left, the prayuth government made sure they extracted everything, a good financial audit will reveal e erverything these fu### stole from the people and its a lot - billions upon billions you could have a reasnable care system for the bilions stuffed into deep pockets, if anly the thai people knew what was going on
  11. someone excluded from the $$$ that x-ray shows they where touching cloth in the launcher, a buldge in their rear might have been happening soon
  12. yeah right - more like "crack on" with corruption if you are serious appoint a MFP MP to head up a team, first task to investigate and audit government finances over the last 9 years and see were all the money went, start with emergency budgets and where the billion went these last 3 years
  13. who ever is responsible for this has damaged the environment exponentially more than than any diver would squeezing sea cucumbers, yet the authorities leave no stone unturned for the latter and similar incidents, even picking shells on a beach will land you in trouble and here we are a serious oil leak - the person(s) responsible should be facing long jail time all being equal
  14. there were two scenarios back then, people over 50 who had 800k in the bank or not, one used an agent and one didn't then you had single people under 50 who had to leave the country every 90 days referred to as border runs - for a few years I was the latter because I was under 50
  15. well what a nice gesture, can you quantify exactly how much of your net worth that actually cost..................0.000001% how about helping to people with electric bills you smug ### discusting
  16. that ship has sailed, you are now in bed with sworn enemies - call an election tomorrow and see how the thai people respond, you have no right to be in government since you broke pretty much all of you election pledges, in fact that could be challenged in court if the judges weren't corrupt, not so pretty political landscape - no surprise is it
  17. and it's your fault because you broke the guide rules we made up to protect you against rapists that drive taxis, total nonsense.
  18. exactly, the point being it happens much more often the other way round
  19. Once they fall in love with her she would persuade them to invest in a ##### business, However after she got their money she dumps them, police said. sound familiar
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