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Everything posted by smedly

  1. will thailand have the ### to tell them where to go I believe Taiwan holidays here too in great numbers I love Taiwan
  2. subs without engines apart from the obvious corruption that was going on - why did they not opt for the engines Chinese subs had ? oh that's right maybe Germany supplies those to China surprise surprise
  3. why so many tyrants - we will never learn greed and power = destruction it is written, we will never learn, some greedy #### who has it all wants more sad really, the next steps are obvious as we make the same mistakes again, not sure anyone survives this time, crazy putin keeps threatening - stupid excuse for a man, maybe he is terminally ill and doesn't care, i think that is what they want us to believe - a very unstable midget - dangerous
  4. little mouse Srettha will of course comply, he has no backbone, a yes man as long as his pockets are being filled China is a bully and a dangerous one, Taiwan, will not be bullied, niether will Ukraine, if Russia and China don't back off then the future is bleak, I mans self destruction is not far away, we keep repeating the same mistake - somone thinks the have the power, Putin.....desperate to save face for the grave error he made invading Ukraine, how stupid was that, he will NOT be allowed to win, the west will try and avoid humiliation but there will come a time when it is unavoidable - Putin will be humiliated unless he backs off, pointless destruction and loss of life, what is he 5"6 - not realy man size so I guess he feels inferior so i have some sympathy as for Taiwan, leave it alone china, you will get it handed to you and you know it, they are armed to the teeth.......try it at you peril and as for your bully tactics in the SCH especially towards Philippines - that will not be tolerated much longer
  5. what time of the morning the guy was obviously out of it he thought he was paying in baht stupid #### the taxi driver should have realised there was something wrong - maybe the fact the guy was out of it shame on the taxi driver or maybe he was trying to convince everyone he didn't rob the guy, either way he needs to meet the guy and confirm it was all above board.....................I very much doubt it
  6. thailand very safe ? I think the Chinese are right, it is no longer safe here I used to love traveling all over the country - not sure i would do it now and I have lived here 19 years, the place is ####ed, When MFP got #### over it really was curtains - I just hope the people will not forget what went on
  7. another pointless rule to curb enjoyment - stupidity lets look into the finances of these park managers, what we will find is they are unusually wealthy, why
  8. imagine if they had a welfare system like most western countries have, this 10,000b would be paid every month to millions of people, having to take out a loan to fund a one off payment tells everything
  9. it will not happen - the people needed to vote for a party with integrity........oh wait - they did
  10. who is running this country - well not you Srettha you could change that..............get a backbone and start changing things ?
  11. get rid of them, oh that's you haven't got the ..........s or permission
  12. spelling lol The Thai people have so much and yet it is taken away, time to remove these entitled ass. holes , ratings - the gap between the poor and filthy rich - thailandis ranked at the very top, the corruption scale doesn't match but it should, this is a very corrupt country , why that is not recognized in the world is quite frankly bizarre
  13. realy why, here we have a bunch of nobodies who get huge amounts of money for doing what exactly, they do not belong when are the thai people going realize they have the power, MFP was a chance, this country is rich for the rich, very sadley their voice (vote) is ignored, I would be very angry, I say to the Thai people - get a backbon, don't with this BS anymore........you HAVE THE POWER to change
  14. allowed, basically you remove private vehicles but I must admit there are problems with that too, it's just a stupid idea period, yes there is traffic on soi buakhao but it is no worse than anywhere else in the city, if it was really bad people would avoid it, people use baht buses to get where they are going right along the soi in both directions, it would be extremely inconvenient to remove that facility
  15. and do absolutely everything the said they wouldn't do
  16. not workable, a better idea would be to convert it to motorbike only and bahtbus only
  17. not strictly true, it is only allowed in an extreme emergency and only allowed when it is safe to do so, you cannot just go through a red light unless you are absolutely sure it is safe
  18. if you are going to go through a red light you must assume it is green for everyone in the opposite direction, you must proceed with the utmost caution, flashing lights and sirens does not give you right of way, it might help you continue if safe to do so
  19. that is horrific but you still look good, who is going to notice...............
  20. Anutin nere ceases to Impress, he made and impression as DPM Health Minister and now he is showing the same astounding performance as Interior minister, go go Anutin you ###
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