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Everything posted by smedly

  1. speaking from experience lol
  2. how about waiting until after th event instead of your crystal ball pedictions
  3. not your business, why have an MPC when you are constantly interfering, not a wise move to question policy in public now for the 2nd time
  4. yet another accident involving a passenger bus
  5. perhaps a moderator could clean this thread up and remove the nonsense
  6. i am resident, been here over 20 years but only had visa extensions from 50, my FCD was opened about 13 years ago internally transferred from my Thai current account, note the facility to do that was removed from online banking, you can of course do it the other direction, FCD to BAHT, clearly I have had these funds pre 2024
  7. I have an FCD account in Bangkok bank, the funds where deposited from Thai account (when it was possible) in a lump sum, the origin of the funds was a transfer from UK many years ago, the balance hasn't changed for a very long time, I use it for visa extension yearly, it is in Thailand in Thai bank, I don't see how this can be taxed
  8. the answer that is confusing to me is in regards to interest earned on foreign bank deposits the priciple is not assessable income but interest earned is, all of my money is deposited in a foreign bank account, i guess what they are meaning is if the money stays in the foreign bank and is not transferred to Thailand
  9. blame the tree yet more tragic senseless loss of life on Thai roads RIP
  10. yes they are you contributed to a fund your whole working life which becomes payable when certain conditions are met I think we can all bin this discussion
  11. private pensions are in effect long term savings with rules as to how the money is released, I chose to take it spread since aged 50, i am not old enough for state pension in the uk but i would interpret that as long term savings also, paying into a fund over time - granted not all countries are the same ,, i have no clue how it works anywhere
  12. needs some clarity but overall looks positive, private or state pensions would be money accumulated while working seems to be exempt as does money deposited in foreign bank accounts (excluding interest earned), that would be my interpretation
  13. the problem I see here is the economic scales are so different between 3rd world Thailand and the west - from minimum wage - tax thresholds - salaries etc, they are not equal not even close. If I start to pay tax in Thailand what do I get in return ? They can't even tax their own citizens as pointed out earlier in this thread, only about 5% of the working population pay income tax, that's a huge number not paying income tax.
  14. I wonder how many Thais in Thailand don't pay income-tax, pretty much every Thai I know or have known DO NOT declare income to the RD
  15. just wondering if you have skin in the game regarding tax issues such as finance or legal, thanks
  16. can I ask you a question Mike do you have business interests in Thailand and if so please provide details
  17. this whole story makes no sense, sounds like the Thai version of events orders bolt car then ends up on a motorbike taxi with bolt driver following for bt100, then the missing bt10,000, sounds like a shakedown that went bad
  18. so you have no income in the UK is that what you are saying ?
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