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Everything posted by smedly

  1. Threatening to do what you're supposed to being doing anyway as it is your job, do they even realise how stupid these statements are ? We are going to do our jobs - what do you nomally do ? You could start by catching drunk drivers after 1am - they're not difficult to find
  2. BJ doesn't have the numbers to back him, he would be going up against very powerful people who see him as a threat, best to just bite his tongue and keep his head down, I like him, he seems to be a cut above when it comes to integrity - exactly why he is seen as a threat
  3. tell the you want the meter transferred to you, you will then get billed direct
  4. we see on daily basis what they get up to and it has been exposed many times, everybody knows it
  5. it was stated that citizens of countries with a tax agreement would not be not be involved, my income (UK) is already taxed in the UK, my earnings over the years was already taxed, can't speak for everyone of course - some might be laundering money here which would never hit a bank anyway - good luck taxing that perhaps concentrating on earners in Thailand Thai and foreign who have incomes here would be a better approach
  6. unless you are a convicted criminal and it is keeping you out of jail - public interest
  7. wasting your time, doctors will be told what to say or what not to say
  8. he lost those rights when he went to jail as a convicted criminal.......oh wait - he hasn't been in jail yet........................circus
  9. isn't he banged up ? justice thai style - a joke
  10. you describe what should happen and not what did happen, and even if it did happen the police can get what outcome they want to suit the narrative, you only have to look at murder Island to see what can be done
  11. where else are they going to leave it, this is quite frankly absurd
  12. just as he is released from hospital 100% fit and healthy
  13. good know ............................................ not who gives a #
  14. well that could take a very long time since he hasn't yet seen 1hr inside a jail cell in almost 3 weeks
  15. of course they do, if you work here earning an income you will be taxed, same as any other country
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