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Everything posted by smedly

  1. attempted murder, good that this nut job is off the streets, just as well he didn't have access to a firearm
  2. so are they going to instruct banks to add tax to all foreign transfers and expect us to claim it back ?, they do not have the facilities to do that, it took me 6 months to claim tax back on bank interest I had earned here on a savings account if they want to tax me then their revenue department can claim it from me if they have evidence my income in not taxed already. That is the usual way personal taxation works.
  3. no mention of the destruction and slaughter of innocent civilians in Ukraine, I wonder why
  4. how does he know they were lost in the car assuming it was his passport lost (which wouldn't fit in a wallet) were they in a bag of some kind ? did he pay for the bolt taxi ? unconvinced
  5. how naive, consider their actions more ?, people who break the law will continue to do it while they can get away with it, it is why we have laws and the police to enforce them, if there are no polce then you may as well have no laws, equally if you have police and they are not enforcing the law - same result, this country considers everything "after the fact" there is no attempt at prevention
  6. or using a phone or speeding or any combination anyone riding a bicycle on these lawless thai roads need their head looked at hope they catch the scum that did this and lock him up for a very long time RIP very sad
  7. this is unworkable my pensions are long term savings time to look for somewhere else to live, they are blowing in the wind with this, are we going to have to leave every 180 days to avoid this - ### them
  8. how about 2 counts of murder and 5 attempted murder and charge the parents also
  9. raises questions over parenting - these are not toys and should never be allowed in a teens bedroom or anywhere else for that matter. the parents should bear some blame for this tragic event
  10. something mentally wrong with this school kid, did he really have to murder innocent people to make a point, ...........................rip coward
  11. Russian general attitude and manners are serverely lacking in my experience, they have a feeling of greatness and superiority which is misguided especially now since they are getting their ass handed to them in Ukraine and it is being exposed on the world stage - how embarrassing, They are now starting to realise they are not so great and in fact are nothing at all, they made a huge error invading Ukraine and are paying the embarrassing price - humiliation, a hard pill to swallow
  12. medical ? like prescription written by a doctor these corrupt ### think it's a slam dunk - lmao, are you not getting it........................................medical use only
  13. it was reported that he went to hospital with high blood pressure, I would think he has a a very good health plan and was well aware of any issues before entering Thailand
  14. OMG LMAO does he think people are stupid ? a few pills for hypertension put him back in jail
  15. all you have to do is have high blood pressure and you won't serve a minute in jail ............................... what a joke
  16. if the current government want to sow people they mean business then we need tolal transparency - as for now these thieves will never be heard of again - in fact they will likely be doing it again with a little help we see the corruption figures published world wide - how Thailand doesn't take the top spot or near it is beyond understanding, the corruption is off the scale here it really is shocking
  17. lock them up for a very long time f## serious criminals but of course we will never hear the outcome if the current government want to gain the respect of of the people then publish convictions, follow these cases to court, but no we will never hear of this again - corrupt 101
  18. Threatening to do what you're supposed to being doing anyway as it is your job, do they even realise how stupid these statements are ? We are going to do our jobs - what do you nomally do ? You could start by catching drunk drivers after 1am - they're not difficult to find
  19. BJ doesn't have the numbers to back him, he would be going up against very powerful people who see him as a threat, best to just bite his tongue and keep his head down, I like him, he seems to be a cut above when it comes to integrity - exactly why he is seen as a threat
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