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Everything posted by smedly

  1. because generally most glass goes a different route as i described above
  2. any bar i frequent recycle all bottles back to suplier to be reclaimed back into the supply chain, also bins are provided for glass throughout the country, even in my condo glass bottles are recycled they must be trying to address some other problem, maybe they should address that instead of this stupidity
  3. 100% correct, what genius came up with this nonsense they should all be sacked for gross stupidity
  4. maybe they have realised there are better options than Thailand and pattaya to spend their vacation
  5. maybe went out with a wash left unattended, not a good idea, i don't even leave chargers unattended.......very dangerous
  6. isn't advertising weed the same as advertising alcohol
  7. nice to see MFP showing them for what they are, first order of business should be removing the PM senators vote from the charter, then requiring all members to anually report personal wealth and earning each year in office (removed by junta) PT are done IMO, there will be increasing calls for a new election and the dissolution of parliament
  8. you having laugh, the first thing you did was bin democracy, human rights, free speech and much muct more, far from what you promised when taking the country by military force then refusing to give way, it could take just as long to undo the damage, name one thing you have done that has improved anything, maybe when the books are reviewed you will find yourself and your cronies in court - of course the incoming crowd aren't much better unfortunately
  9. don't know what to say Thailand a pillar of rights reaching new lows - what type of hub is this one
  10. even the skirting boards have been removed from the floor and ceiling - who does that, this story is BS
  11. doesn't make any sense, I'm calling the whole thing BS, the length people will go to keep deposit so the tennant removed a cupboard and then installed an aircon unit on the same wall while removing all the doors ?, I am thinking the landlord did all this himself and is making up things
  12. 690,000 baht ? ahem it is obvious there was mold in the house possibility from poor construction, some of the photos don't make sense (aircon on wall) Tennant should have informed landlord - but I feel we are not getting the whole story here looks like the house was stripped - doors etc all gone
  13. if there was an election tomorrow PT would be slaughtered for their betrayal, they could redeem themselves by hooking up with MFP now that they are in office - first order of business - get rid of the senate having any say in PM selection
  14. PT and MFP plus a few other anti junta parties got 80% of the vote, doesn't that speak for itself or do you need it explaned - and the unelected senate should have no say in PM selection what a circus
  15. how long before he is out - deal already done, no way he came back to be locked up for 8 years do they think everyone reading this BS is stupid
  16. absolutely - there's a cell for every one them
  17. why was he not arrested immediately This man has multiple arrest warrants and covictions he also sold out the people and is now in bed with the junta - shameful and a betrayal- lock him up and throw away the key
  18. nothing - PT and MFP still have the majority of seats and can do as the want
  19. VIP suite - Bangkok Hilton, there's me misunderstanding this for years
  20. it will be the last vote you ever have on the issue
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