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Everything posted by smedly

  1. i took out the ones that didn't involve tourism/foreigners shut the island now to foreign toursim and see what is left, stupid nonsense, get rid of the governor would be good step after this garbage
  2. what stupidity, the sooner these control freaks are gone the better, but how do you get rid of them ?
  3. that is why you hold elections in democracy - something Thailand is not getting right now, there is no democracy here
  4. that is an estimated 30kw per hour, impossible in a normal domestic environment
  5. omg, I really don't know what to say, ................................. equal rights - women are a lot smarter that the average man in Thailand - nuff said
  6. is he allowed to breath the air in Thailand
  7. transferred where, he should be facing criminal charges, he was the top man, 100% responsible
  8. the circus continues PT will find out that they have the same problem unless of course they surrender to the junta, might be worth it to get the senate sacked then and scrap article 272 and then call an election, there is ## the junta can do about it............win win, it's a shame that the winning parties have to go to these lengths to honor the election and the choices the thai people made when they voted, discusting
  9. ha ha - go ahead, you will not control anything and will be outvoted in lower house no matter what you do, it is unworkable, you created this mess by trying to remain in control, what you didn't account for was the thai people rejecting you in a democratic vote - well done for your twisted form of non democracy only to find out it is not democratic in the slightest.........epic fail
  10. Bhumjaithai Might Take Turn To Form Majority oh please do, but you got the wording - MINORITY then you will be shafted - because the majority rules no matter what - all that is needed is a functioning government, they cannot win this, because no matter what happens the numbers are aginst them
  11. smug ## lets see how it goes for you these next few months, you are a failure and the thai people will ### you over
  12. does't matter who gets the pm post, there is a majority and the junta parties are not it, it matters not a jot, expect another coup
  13. well they do, just more so in Thailand, in fact huge difference sad loss of life at such a young age RIP
  14. you are fanticising - if they don't support the pt nomanee for pm then this country goes dark - i suspect no matter what happens they will not vote for a pm unless it is a junta apponted - in a recent photo - paryuth was looking smug - sickening
  15. MFP and PT have a majority in the house which why it matters not a jot, get in there
  16. they have a huge majority - even if they join forces with other parties unsavory - the majority in the house is MFP and PT - <deleted>## them get a government and a PM and all will crumbling down ------- artle 272 will be the first to go ..... in fact ditch the whole constition that the junta created - power to the people ...................................then we will have another military intervention - no 24...............I hope the people of Thailand will stand up and fight this nonsense
  17. well said there is no functioning democracy here, it is an illusion
  18. I see only two ways to get artcle 272 removed join with an unsavory junta minority party, get a semi functional government - remove it and disolve parliament and have another election the 2nd option is rather unsavory 3rd option - challenge it in court - if you trusted Thai courts the military have this well tided up for now - if I was Thai I'd be very angry right now
  19. did you get an invite to join ?, I'd be highly surprized if you did
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