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Everything posted by smedly

  1. have you seen a shambles like this in public view as they all sramble for money and backhanders - show it or don't - it is freely available across the world and will still be free no matter how much you make fools of yourselves................greedy corrupt .idiots
  2. there is no gas, 2 ears left and right - empty container
  3. OK so lets say we have a closing of all venues at 11pm - how many individuals are going home and turning on their aircon, this is just more stupid that is expected in Thailand, Is there anyone running things in this country that acually has a brain or is slightly educated ? lets have a vote on that question 1 - for yes 2 - for no mine is a solid 2
  4. so message to "Big Joke" monitor the carpet sales I would be willing to "bet" this is not the only carpet being laid in Pattaya, anyone think the local police have no idea this is going on ? - did the mayor or police chief just buy a carpet shop lol
  5. sounds like they got the nod to go ahead and then got unnodded by "big joke"................that man needs some serious protection This is what the Chinese do but what they need to realise is that Thailand is not Cambodia............will money and bribes win ? hmmmmmm
  6. do you not feel guilty, give up that fan already could we call this another blow for tourism lol
  7. I love a few social beers and a natter - that is far removed from being incoherent and spaced out on weed - but everyone to their own
  8. are you capable of rational thought, you will not know that - someone else that is capable will have to tell you, how many people have tald you - you're blowing it out ### - might be time to consider some things, but since you have given no indication of your usage levels it is mute - perlonged usage of weed has been shown to have permanent long lasting effects on the brain, you will never notice
  9. let me correct the last two words............................NO Response I bet they are scratching their heads still trying to figure it out simple explanation - Thailand is not as great as you think it is, I could go into more detail but will leave it there
  10. his prophile does not fit anything you mention or suggest, nothing seems right about this story, maybe a gun club connection at a stretch - who knows
  11. alcohol - a few beers is one thing - drugs that make serious permanent brain chemistry changes is something else, and all you weed lovers can deny all you like ............ I even had a few myself when younger and it was great, I know a few people who have been kept it up for decades and they are serious basket cases - they don't see it but everyone else does - weed when abused results in serious permanent mental issues
  12. as predicted Thailand has enough problems with drugs we don't need a pile of doped up conspracy brain dead idiots that hate everything and think the earth is flat, that is what weed does to the brain
  13. well never mind the Thai people who might want someone else but have no say in the matter - Prayuth democracy - the only democracy in the world were people vote and don't get what they voted for how stupid
  14. if the people of Thailand vote for you then ok if they don't then ## and that includes bob the builder anutin the thai people need to vote for individuals - not parties what is going on here is not democracy
  15. Pre covid we did not have this nonsense - what are they thinking we have tourists being harrassed after 2am, time to end this stupidity
  16. what, is it hand in front of face
  17. how about the people voting on what they want in the constitution, stuff like financial accountability - only those that win a seat voted for by the people can serve in government i.e. they must be elected, those are two good ones to start with
  18. RIP police doing a great job at enforcement on the roads, until the police here actually figure out what their job is - this will continue - Prawit is the man in charge of road safety these last 10 years - stellar job he is doing I didn't read the full article because it doesn't matter - some idiot was doing something careless and stupid
  19. is skinny dipping not a thing in Thailand lol
  20. Suspect says he stabbed and killed the wrong person by accident oh well it's all ok then, we'll let you off with a warning, make sure you murder the right person next time
  21. quite possible it was police/security that caused the panic RIP
  22. the Lady (B) on the left has lost her/his top same over on the right
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