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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Working right nicely into their schemes. Allowing the local mafia controllers to act as overseers - as they always have regarding most everything.
  2. Before either of the prominent Shinawatras might show a hint of return, certain influential factors would have to dissolve from the elite's and public's consciousness.
  3. It becomes all quite moot if this particular portal is reflective of how Thais managed anything IT.
  4. The same crowd that seemingly have little interest in Stickman's departure and sudden return. Gossipy low-brow Farang kinda thing.
  5. Assisting their Khmer colleagues? Or.......come to the realization that everything considered "Thai" is/was greatly influenced by Khmer [et al] civilisations?
  6. I wear a pa kao ma and fisherman's pant's at home and around the property. Does that qualify as fashionably acclimated?
  7. MIG-29s indeed. I believe the Myanmar Junta needs to update it's fighter jet class. How 'bout a fleet of Chengdu J-20s?
  8. ".......there's a sucker born every minute" P. T. Barnum. Must be the obvious cultural thing.
  9. Hmmmmm.... In this instance, how is international or the world defined? The usual suspects creating a standard and those who are easily manipulated to buy into it.
  10. As opposed to the Anglophone dominant paradigm which doesn't find it necessary validate any such moral compass.
  11. You'll find most everything of a better value if you shop at your local daily fresh markets instead of the proverbial Western-style supermarkets. It appears to me that most Farang here are not very cognitive or aware of their place or surroundings.
  12. Contrarians of any note, that stand or rebel against the manufactured convention [regardless of their political/social identities/philosophies] have a history of being castigated or scorned by the greater percentage of dumbed down.
  13. Long standing entities that have plagues all societies for ages. And all quite accepted by the the respective cultures - getting along by going along.
  14. Things are starting to pick up again out at Mueang Khao, yeah? You might have this new breed that feels it necessary to carry all their worldly goods with themselves as they travel. Personally, I would find that a hindrance more often than not. Too much <deleted> to haul around. Yet, I've long been disassociated with the tourist/traveler/backpacker set - can't relate. Everyone has their own particular comfort zone, I guess.
  15. These things and general landscape have been slowly integrated [over generations], very masterfully, by assorted extraterrestrials. Part and parcel of the grand strategy and plans.
  16. Whatever became of the warm and fuzzy exemplar that Elon was gonna change things for the better at Twatter.....?? Guess that went south, as well. Most are so easy.
  17. Because they said so....... ????
  18. In delusional theory, perhaps. Saying so doesn't make it so. If they're so confident, why not open their full and unreported books to public scrutiny.
  19. Might be surprised as to how many have bought into the repeated ideal that this little skirmish in Europe is the crux blame for most everything........ Not enough clear and independent thinkers that question or challenge the usual establishment narrative. Pathetic.
  20. You might be surprised as to how many don't get it - newbies or old hands.
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