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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Another distraction.
  2. What might that be? Real life. The variables could be infinite.
  3. A coup of one type or another. That would be my guess as well. Tradition.
  4. Indeed. Nothing more disruptive than a little monkeywrenching in the works. A pedant might suggest that this last general parliamentary election was afoul, corrupted and shouldn't have taken place in the illegal form that was clearly accepted. Yet...here we are.
  5. Red or Blue Pill? Which do you prefer or associate with? alternatively....perhaps the White or Black Pill would be appropriate.
  6. Progress. Yes......of course it is.
  7. Wasn't too long ago that this was the case......accepting the ebbs and flows of the great river without human-induced political intervention.
  8. Hold on.... There might be a more than slight chance that he's not leaving and his shadow circle will be welding influence. Nothing has been finalized amongst this frizzled circus.
  9. And the predictable sullen/doom and gloom presentation from the usual circle.
  10. Sure. The whole scheme is rhetorical in nature. The principle reasoning behind the formation of PT was/is to promote and restore the Shinawatra name and legacy. If one is still confused, just follow VoiceTV for a few days and you'll figure it out. It is what it is.
  11. Anticipated sentiment. But it doesn't look like that's gonna come about any time soon. The song remains the same.
  12. Oblivious to shame [or loss of face] when one has no ethical/moral character.
  13. It's become an overwhelming oligarchical cabal worldwide and practiced for quite some without convictions of resistance. Most have become indoctrinated, numbed and dumbed down to their plight.
  14. Should also apply to MVP and the people for a weak fight.
  15. Through this circus-like process, it appears that we're returning to the patriarchal dinosaur club of rule by way of trickery, deception and underhanded manipulation. Kind of expected.... What should be much more disappointing are the inactions of the good Thai people. Lotsa talk and threats, yet little [if at all] as a unified collective to stand passively by as the society is in the deems of being robbed and hoodwinked again. The theatre remains the same with a slight abbreviation of players.
  16. Perhaps they've come to some sort of agreement, along with the blessings of higher entities. All of which was probably a deal drawn up some time ago.
  17. Why is a Police Major General a deputy of a so called populist people's progressive party? Isn't that what were trying to get away from? I'm sure most won't find this terribly odd or confusing as I might.
  18. ....and the most popular political is conveniently omitted. Perfectly designed. Nothing up their sleeves. Same as it ever was.
  19. Curious to wonder if there is such a statute of limitations regarding the suggested wrong doings.....
  20. Appears to be a very common trait here.
  21. Drunken Thai guy. Don't have to say anymore.
  22. Historical tradition. And yet......only a few can see it. Rinse and repeat. The dumbed down are too easy.
  23. Don't think so. It's all a bit overblown. Repeated loud and often enough.
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