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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. ....or any heads of state and their usual pretense. The list is rather long.
  2. Well, sure. That's what they do when threatened and been a way of life for decades. Don't have to be much of a scholar, or simple observer, to comprehend the cycle of contemporary Thai history. Have you [or others] really given much reasoned thought as to why these coups occur? Give ya a hint: protection racket. Remember, they all require permission and blessings to pursue any such activity. There's never a coup, or it's fallout, that might ever resemble anything like Myanmar. Sure, a few historic scrapings here and there - and almost always isolated. Never been a true dictatorial crackdown that has resulted from any such coup. It's not the Thai way. Tradition. History repeats itself quite often here - which doesn't seem to be understood by many......especially outsiders who pretend to be knowledgeable about these affairs.
  3. Monkeypox. Something new and exciting to be obsessed about - overtaking the assorted programmed obsessions.
  4. Shouldn't be receiving too much public attention, as environmentalist of a challenging and questioning nature have long been on the "bad guys" list. Mai phen rai.
  5. The usual profit incentive and corrupt measures are in order.
  6. In this particular circumstance, the old adage of the golden rule is at play. Those whom hold the gold, make up the rules and manipulate popular convention. By it's very nature, information and variable sources will tend to be subjective in one form another.
  7. ...and still don't realize who the true enemies might be.
  8. I guess that the hard-wired romance and championing of all things militarism/soldiering/war/empire doesn't play a part within the deeply psychotic culture.
  9. Yep. That's what they do. And quite acceptable, even in the more fashionable woke circles.
  10. Or......freeing up the marketplaces to open/free enterprise without the usual stranglehold of the enriched oligarchies.
  11. Fake news [whatever that is] has become all too commonplace and the bane of our existence.
  12. The comparative values largely have everything to do with particular cultural lifestyles and perceptions thereof. Keep in mind, that that those in traditional non-European societies usually have a better attached sense of self-sufficiency, independence and everyday freedoms that are not display in the West.
  13. Indeed. To the popular, and rather deluded, notions that all is well as such applies to particular protocols the world over. It varies considerably, some places have opted to free up regardless and others are still sticking, loosely, to the managed mitigation practice. There's no standard as to what is right or wrong these days.
  14. Waiting for the day when the good-minded authorities close entry corridors/avenues. Then pursue deporting [and ridding of] selected foreign undesirable residents. Return to paradise. ????
  15. That is, until the next pathogen that they design. Something to look forward to.
  16. Don't hold your breath. All these things are easily prone to change without reason, as recent times have proven.
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