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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Another mindless patriot that doesn't know the backstory. Typical and quite predictable.
  2. Not too sure about this worldwide majority business. Might do some real research and checking. Others might suggest that the world isn't imbibing in this particular flavour of Kool-Aid. Actually, the majority might side with neutrality, indifference and don't give a rat's backside to ever-present Anglophone manipulating propaganda and atrocious empire building.
  3. Our moon is a secret extraterrestrial base - not organic but created. Enough said.
  4. It's the company aspect that should be disconcerting. The real and only influence behind the curtains.
  5. Nothing whatsoever to suggest that he's a good Buddhist. Clear evidence would suggest that all this is convoluted contradictory. How did we get to this stage? Mixing militarism with Buddhism.
  6. Some might suggest that it began in earnest around Songkran [locale dependent]. Semantics and particular observations might differ, as it might for every seasonal cycle.
  7. This Swiss-German-Thai association [that no one speaks of] is a little too cozy for some. ????????
  8. ......and it's only now that all this is being realized. Might add that the military circles are mere theatrical puppets, as to what influential entity has truly running the show for ages.
  9. You know how it works here. Such actions are pretty much rhetorically Thai. Transferred or moved to an inactive post is deep code for sweeping it under the rug. All will be forgotten, within the media and public eye, in a very short time. Per usual - shouldn't expect any sort of "news" investigative follow ups.
  10. Damn Chinese. They're everywhere. Greatly influencing and contributing. [as it's been for ages the world over] ????
  11. It might even be more beneficial to have a real vaccine. As it stands today - that's not what these are.
  12. Indeed. So......what's the debate, analysis and discussion about and continues on unabashed? What it really is - the traditional and imaginary cultural comparative/superlative related, as it's been the historic mark forever.
  13. Or....sensationalized/trivial news regarding random Farang.
  14. Yep, sure have. You'll find that most of the provinces have moved on in this manner. Only practicing such protocols where they're expected to - going through the motions. I believe it is time for us to get ourselves and move on. It's no longer a vital threat.........
  15. I might add - and less we forget - that Thailand was atop of the leader board for some of the lowest cases/deaths for a year's time [2020/pre-vaccine era] while managing the crisis extremely well with well placed societal mitigation protocol and whatnot [and perhaps good fortune]. Even during the vaccine era - which could've been done better here - The suspected numbers weren't that great compared to much of the "civilised" world, which as it appeared were still bumbling around in political/scientific chaos. I will add, as things have leveled off [sort to speak], the unnecessary overconcern and seemingly cautionary paranoia is still in play among the Thai authorities, where it might benefit to relax and ease off a bit - as most of the world seems to be headed in this direction.......learning to live with it for better or worse.
  16. ......and not recognized as rhetorical. [an extension of the definition]
  17. A bore requires assistance.....
  18. I guess we can come out now, as it's been deemed official. ????????
  19. Unfortunately, that's how it truly is. The educational "system", operating like most everything here, has little benefit for the commons and is corrupt and unethical to the core.
  20. A bit ironic, as the U.S. certainly doesn't want peace in Ukraine - or anywhere else that they're involved.
  21. Climate-smart rice farming. Whatever that is. Appears to be another scamming scheme to keep the good hard working rice farmers under the numerous mafia/govt thumbs......
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