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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Oh dear. It appears that much of the historical perspective amid this thread is blinded to subjectivity, less any balance - regardless of the political circles and conviction one keeps.
  2. A bit of a misnomer, as there really isn't an actual universally recognized vaccine passport as applies to COVID and associated. Though, there was talk of it that never fully got the world on board as a collective. In this case, the DMP probably is referring to any of the official vaccination certificates/documentation that is quite accepted and understand as a define Vaccination Passport.
  3. Admirable....even honourable. He'll be struggling greatly to pursue such things himself - he requires strong backing. I can envision another voluntary exile forced to flee.
  4. .....and the continued innocence of many who really don't understand the deeper machinations at work here - or anywhere in the world, for that manner.
  5. You know how that is......whichever way the political fashioned winds blow. If one hasn't noticed, these schemes have been extraordinarily popular of the last nine months or so. The facade of switching over, creating not so new political identities, swearing false loyalities, etc......
  6. Regardless of who is staging the theatre, it'll be the same circles running the production. Knowing the bottom line of historic control and influence will aid in the understanding of how the machinery work here. The rare monkeywrenching in the works might have it's moments occasionally, yet never really manifest nor permanent. They see to that quite well.
  7. An easy guess that it might drop a couple full points amid the upcoming new "opening" dates. By July we might see the Baht holding at 36 + In a round about convoluted manner, it benefits most everyone - even the domestic circles.
  8. Yes, the obvious. Someone has to profit - as it's been the base behind the TP program from the start. They just can't let go. The more logical manner in which to approach the final freed up opening would be to trash all of it - not just the T&G project, but the base Thailand Pass [including the accompanying insurance scam] along with it. Nothing wrong with going back to pre-COVID procedures and processes. They might even benefit more than they could dream of.
  9. Yet, the benefits and deep associations have been spectacular. I suspect that these items will follow after his leave from political life. The way of the corrupted Thai machine.
  10. Has to be said again. Time for us all to get over ourselves.
  11. Ain't this grand. It's all about environmental protection and preservation. Of course it is........
  12. Should've been put to bed a decade ago. A pathetic struggle on a corrupt and highly mismanaged system.
  13. And in the end.....where might this accumulated auction cash be going and how will it be used????????? Don't expect any such follow up stories or research.
  14. Same old cycling faces and mindsets. Keeping it in the club. Sure....why not.
  15. What if the infected [evil non-vax folks] don't die?
  16. Well....this thread, like many recent related, cleared all the ongoing confusing and enhancing the clarity. ????????
  17. The dreamy notion of gaining overwhelming majority and creating a new government is a bit fanciful. Hypothetically......what if the possibilities of a solid control came about by way of Pheu Thai or the Progressive [Future Forward] Parties? What then......? What type of changes might be implemented for the overall well being of the commons? Are there any real such differences between the make up and the masks of any and all political parties? Remembering that a democratic parliamentary system representing the people is less than a surface farce here. Everything and anything is still dictated to very very high circles and it's traditional approval. The crux.
  18. Changing times? Are they? Perspectives.
  19. This gesture has become so passe', even less fashionable. Lost it's practical punch.
  20. Thai bashing is almost a Humanities discipline in it's own right.
  21. A pertinent and practical inquiry that should be addressed, yet will fall on deaf ears of the authorities - for those of us residents that never felt the need to secure any such medical insurance [generally speaking] before COVID are now obligated to take on this suspected and mandated insurance coverage......whether we're outta the country/return for a short course, be it for business, pleasure, whatever. Even applies to those long time foreign residents that haven't left the country in the COVID era - notice how easy it was for them to introduced and reregulate mandatory insurance for COVID things within one's long-term/resident visa packages and processes? Even when/if COVID miraculously disappears. It appears that the mandatory COVID/medical insurance will be a standard fixture by way of all varieties of visas - tourist, resident, business, edu, etc. Hypothetically, even when the online Thailand Pass protocol/procedure is dismissed later this year [that's an educated guess] and we return to "normal" tourist entry and resident visa programs.....the insurance mandate - to one degree or another - will remain as SOP.
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