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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Perhaps the generalized benign terminology of Farang requires some tweaking and modifying to fit the truer character of these foreigner types. ปีศาจยุโรป or คนโง่ที่ยังไม่พัฒนา or ขยะไร้ค่า might suffice as appropriate substitutes. ????????
  2. Don't know if any Thai ladies [of any generation] would use the political term compatriot en lieu of a more familial reference to cultural sister. Just saying.
  3. Well reasoned, Mike. It's rather unfortunate that we're forced and conditioned to analyze such things [comparatively] from a lesser than Eurocentric spin and perspective - as it is the case these days to prop up most everything using a Western "standard" that almost always contradicts traditional values and thought elsewhere.
  4. So many are pulled in too easily. Telling.
  5. It's been convoluted from the start and attempting to disguise their tomfoolery with upgrades, revisions and fix-it measures is pathetic at best.
  6. Presents itself as trivial social gossip passing for anything newsworthy.
  7. Decades upon decades, actually - if one is paying attention and understand how things work here.
  8. Mistakes? Shouldn't that be revised as cold and calculated immoral criminal intent?
  9. New York City, Shanghai, Mexico City, Cairo, Paris, Rio de Janeiro, Sydney, etc... Appears to be universal withholding the comparative forms.
  10. I'd be more curious as to who performs these highly scientific measuring [and suspected conclusions, thereof] of erect phalluses the world over....... like any such comparative ratings, rankings and kin surveys - could easily be questioned as to what is and what isn't.
  11. The real purpose. Mindlessly consumptive. Unnecessarily accumulative. Waste, pollute and destroy.
  12. Too many casual observers have yet to figure out this pattern and it's intended usage. Hence, the hundreds of public eye exiles that have taken this route.
  13. As you'll find this to be true among most of the political and social movements afoot everywhere - has little to with any such working or practical application to their cause, but more to do with the surface attention.
  14. Too late now. The stain has already set. Besides that, any suggested accusations would probably be settled out of court - families compensated and whatnot. Accompanied with the protocol of public apologies. ......blows over/forgotten in a short time and he's back in business.
  15. And referring to one's genital package as the boys is a bit creepy.
  16. The age old adages still prevails - to serve the commons for the public interests, not dependent or controlled by the over extended mafia groups [government included] that rule the day.
  17. Perhaps September. They're playing it for all that they can get.
  18. Actually, if one digs deeper, you'll find that this delectable side sweet has a more Malay origin. Just saying.
  19. Mai phen rai. All things COVID, and associated affairs, is good for business............especially for those bumkins in control.
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