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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Only selected Farang friends? Quite telling.
  2. The future is now. This is what we've become. We've lost a lot. Never to be retrieved. Not terribly rosy, is it?
  3. But it looks good on the resume. Such repeated rhetoric will come in handy for their side in the fraudulent election process that may or may not come about.
  4. Controversial ideals and policies have already been suggested by numerous rebel-rousing political parties in recent years - and look what's become of them. More remarkable [even amusing] is that the likes of the Democrats are viewed with fanciful notions that they might be something different from the traditional ruling class establishment club.....they're far from that.
  5. Have to wonder if the obsessive nature of proposed political identity is worthy......or even important.
  6. Overthinking most everything, unnecessarily, appears to be a particular cultural dilemma. Get over yourself and one's fanciful perceptions.
  7. Indeed. As life and lifestyles are not even close to being similar - country and urban existence. Not commonplace [at all] for the average rural dwellers to become attached/indoctrinated by way of a credit/debit/loan way of life. The overwhelming majority.
  8. ....and it appears it's going to take the less than insightful Thai authorities many more months to pick up on this. The more reasonable and logical approach to this long and winding circus would've been to trash the TP/insurance scam as well when they discontinued the T&G program. The exemplary learning curve could be questionable within this circle - as such tends to be their reflective history.
  9. Neither strange or surprising. Pay no attention to such questioning or challenging.
  10. Is there such a thing as imaginary internet/dating site love?
  11. Which might be code for not knowing what they are talking about - all too common among the fuzzy stories/articles that are too casually promoted [and bought into] here.
  12. Indeed. One could easily extended such unsavoury accolades/traits regarding a militarism mindset and circle.
  13. Much of the blame and finger pointing could easily be defined by those at the very top of the Plutocratical cast. But usually ignored or not spoken of because of hard wired romantic tradition - the crux that ails us all. The mirrored signs are a long and historic institutional reflection of a deep divided class system. The commons will never receive any such fair compensation and balance as long as the masses allow this aristocracy to flourish and continue on their in one form or another.
  14. Remember when digital nomads were referred to as hack writers without the glamour and institutionalized attention....
  15. Such an ethical acts should be in place the world over. Unfortunately, this is not how it is anywhere.
  16. More than likely another coup, in one twisted form or another, before the year is out. Something to look forward to.
  17. .....and it's been of this manner for ages. Ouuta the blue there's a surface revelation. ???? No reasonable person should be buying into these twisted rhetorical notions. Thainess.
  18. Yep. And well understood by numerous circles, some 8-10 months ago, that this system was bungled from the start as it continues to be under the many bureaucratic and unreasoned revisions. The Thai authorities didn't get it from the outset or midstream and still today they don't have a clue.
  19. Actually, hasn't been much difference [regardless of government] concerning the base educational infrastructure for decades upon decades. Aspects of encouraging independent and critical thought, as well as the natural tendency to question and challenge is more often than not squelched by the dominating educational systems. Alternative curiosities are institutionally suppressed. Tradition - brought to you by the ruling hierarchy.
  20. They're just puppets. Such simple and surface comments above are repeated often and loud enough until it all becomes part of the extended illusion. We forget [or are blind to] who the real ruling factors might be. As it continues on.
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