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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Yet, the hidden contradictory and fuzzy hypocritical policies of supporting the Burman regimes [for decades] continues on. All a bit moot.
  2. Perhaps. Yet, give it time - this writ will be reversed, ignored nor followed through. After all......it's all about the health and well being of the people. ????????
  3. Wealthy, influential and a member of the club. These types don't do time.
  4. Fair enough. The rate of spread and waves of surges [of the two-year Covid era] manifest from the obvious - the masses, as collectives, become laxed/indifferent to adhering to the practice of mitigation protocols and safety measures. The pathogen can only spread if it has somewhere to go/hosts to infect.
  5. Irregularities and graft in Thai works. Imagine that.
  6. So....what does testing do? Never could understand the ideals [even the obsession] with testing every which way but loose. If ya have it, ya have it - if ya don't, ya don't.
  7. Indeed they do. Now if they could only muster up the effort to do something about it, might be a much different picture.
  8. Aside from this, the Thai student has been historically ingrained [generally speaking] not to ask if they're not to sure about this and that. Largely stems from a societal extension....plus, the systems are not in place for the teachers to encourage the respective students to inquire if they happen to have difficulties here and there.
  9. Just approached differently. Corruption is corruption, even when disguised as democratically proper [whatever that is].
  10. But not the weapons supplier. Burman and Thai authoritarian states - birds of a feather.
  11. The only movement that I might adhere to is of the morning variety.....after partaking of coffee and cigarette. ????
  12. Yep. The convoluted irony tends to be missed. The fault or blame always lies upon them......never us. Of course.
  13. You'll find that, more often than not, these numerous types of folks will be miserable regardless of where they settle * long-time, short-time. These negative attributes especially apply to locales that aren't "the West" or "home", where the usual comparatives and superlatives are engaged. The simple character and traits of being unable to adjust and acclimate naturally is all too commonplace.....lending the blame towards the hosts is most convenient.
  14. ....and concoct a deeper strategy as to control the "legal" profitability for those particular circles. Should be well understood that any such projects like these will not trickle into the broader economy or benefit the commons whatsoever.
  15. I'm seeking a decent field guide or directory regarding birds in Thailand - colour plates and detailed descriptions included. Years ago, I had a thick copy of a Thai/English reference guide {published in Thailand} and today I can't seem to locate it again....I would like to retrieve the same book if it is still in circulation. Yes, I know there are a few references guides on the subject, but I'm attempting to secure this one particular scholarly-type book that was published some time back in Thailand. IsaanBirder! I know you are out there......help and advice would be appreciated. Thanks again!
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