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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Yet, all belonging to the warm and fuzzy woke fashion.
  2. And so it goes.... The cycle of rhetorical practice is never ending.
  3. To be expected, as any of the influential world powers have practiced historically.
  4. Frankly, I'm not expecting the entry program to change back to TP any time soon. Once the old CEO/7-14 day quarantine has now been revised and engaged, they will probably stick to this for the near future - The so called January review is nothing short of rhetorical.
  5. Yes.....in one form or another.
  6. To see the real light, one needs to go over to a good local Ya Dong.
  7. Too many have been missing [the bigger picture] and are surely lost [quality consciousness] for quite some time.
  8. Rest assured - a clear and present rebellious nature is at hand. Time well tell.
  9. Well....one has to make a profitable living during these trying and troubled times.
  10. It was doomed from the start - mismanaged and dismally organized. Any sound reasoning never play a part, shooting themselves in the foot at every turn and unnecessary knee-jerk reactions to this and that. We really shouldn't be expecting the test-n-go/non-quarantine programs to be returning any time soon. Retaining the old COE/14-day quarantine scheme suits them better......
  11. Yep. Commonplace the world over. Yet, too many are blind to such realities.
  12. For those of us that have long been acclimated [all of our lives] to tropic climes - too cool for comfort. It's pass in a couple weeks.
  13. I believe many were expecting the change back to the COE/14-day quarantine program and the basic wish of the Thai authorities. The bottom line: returning to more lucrative and profitable scam......as none of these proposed schemes had anything to do with concern or well being of the masses. So....another predictable/false scare and panic plays right into their hands.
  14. Needs to be modified to be reading: No Farang Scum. Which just might cover everyone. Being helpful. You're welcome.
  15. Sitting around the front sala with the more than occasional doobie - watching the world go by.
  16. The truer and hidden majority. Very reflective of the character here. Ssshhh.....
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