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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Falsely controlled and make believe economics - which seems to be all too commonplace the world over. Basic might be akin to a real open and free marketplace, which is almost non-existent.
  2. Only auspicious for those that study traditional numerology and the meanings behind it all.
  3. Ahhh....but you missed the subliminal sleight-of-hand aspect.
  4. He's always been a grand charlatan. Hasn't changed at all.
  5. Too many are so easily taken in...
  6. That might be the more intelligent path. Most are unworthy to be bothered with.
  7. Sure. Why not. Don't really require any such parliamentary rule or elections of any sort, do we? All a bit of a rhetorical charade anyway, with little practical application A comforting and timely coup would suffice nicely. Much less complicated to stay on history's side.
  8. Yet, isn't this how the systems have worked for ages everywhere? All of a sudden a particular faux concern.
  9. These in reference aren't really Thai sites, more so than they might be Farang sites.
  10. Great marketing and attention whoredom strategy.
  11. It appears that there is this conscious movement afoot to accept and live with it - from every corner of the world. After two years of this proposed stage play, the particular numbers and the real science might be proving something else......contradicting the mind numbing convention.
  12. There doesn't seem to be an agreed on principle to what a new normal might be, as it's being practiced and observed differently the world over. Sometimes pragmatic and other instances quite mindless. It does vary from one cultural mindset to another. There shouldn't be any such pretense as to the silliness and the imaginative spirit displayed by the Thai authorities and their on-again/off-again revised [often ridiculous] every month entry/arrival programs. Almost akin to a flavour-of-the-month club.......guaranteed to be more unreasoned than the added protocol calls for. Steeped in foolishness, they keep adding unnecessary procedures with each revision/update. Almost comical. The "new" Feb 1 remake of the TP/T&G is a perfect reflection.
  13. As it seems to be the indoctrinated fashion.......everywhere. Can't we just skip this round of cycled hysteria?
  14. No more corrupt than anywhere else in the world. The greater variation of Thai corruption is usually right in your face and deeper rhetorical practices to justify any such graft.
  15. If you have firm comprehension of contemporary Thai history, you'll find that your stated references go way back - perhaps decades.
  16. Yet, many will use most any trivial excuse to justify their ongoing and petty whinging.
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