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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. I believe it is - simply change the file code from image to jpeg.
  2. She just might be the definitive poster child for all those generations that haven't a clue - Xers, Tweeners as well the most fashionable and current Zoomers. A very sad state. A plague on all their houses.
  3. BKK has been the key from the beginning. An overwhelming percentage of all surges originate and circulate within the greater BKK Metro, where larger sections of the populations don't practice protocol measures and the like. At least the provinces are doing their part by keeping the numbers way down - largely a societal and lifestyle thing.
  4. Sure. Still awaiting what the younger set might do to organize change. From this vantage point doesn't look to be practiced too very well.
  5. Probably not. But they do offer a wide variety of fashionable models for resident Farang - keeping track of us and our every move for the betterment of Thai society. ????
  6. Western civilisation is of a catatonic state. Especially, among the English-speaking variety.
  7. ......as well as politics and politicians - almost religious zealotry.
  8. Frankly, I don't understand the reasoning and essence behind OPs of this nature - many like it over the years. Has little to do with anything except bringing baffling attention to oneself and all the predictable silliness and commentary that follows threads of this nature. Non-sequitur paradox.
  9. Again.....it has to be asked. Why/how is Pheu Thai considered an opposition?
  10. I might be hesitant about becoming overly confident in the cycling booster programs, as the scientific evidence is already starting to show decreasing and little effectivity with each passing generation of mutated nastiness - we can't keep up.
  11. Yet, the airlines are following strict policies as to only allowing confirmed fully vaccinated/tested to board/fly. This fact might put a crimp in your comment above. If you're flying anywhere internationally today, a very good chance that everyone on the respected flight has had a jab or three and been tested 48-72 hours prior. And this is over and above the carriers in-flight protocol measures of masking, face shields and every other seat empty - even on the long haul flights.
  12. Yep. It appears that most of Asia is taking slow precautions as to their readiness to "open" to the world. The exception being Thailand, who also has the lowest percentage of vaccination rate of all Asian countries - Taiwan is still closed off to transit traffic until January and still imposing a 14-day quarantine for destined arrivals. Hong Kong, Korea, and Japan are still implementing similar policies until loosening up in January. And as you've mentioned above - SE Asian countries are remaining cautious, restricting limits regarding the flow and destinations. I might add that most of SE Asia has a very high vaccination rate [Singapore/Cambodia group into the high worldwide percentile] where they are all employing cautious policies regarding int'l traffic.
  13. That's been the struggle forever. And still the rice farmers faded attempts to create collectives and cooperatives to allow a freer market that they've been seeking for some time. Almost impossible when they're dependent and handcuffed by the company store - the cycle just repeats itself. Many rice farmers have quit the market over the years, only growing enough for their own.
  14. Most of the tests aren't that reliable nor consistent. One can have a positive result today........take another in a few hours and prove negative.
  15. They're not, presently. Might take a while in realistic fashion.
  16. Indeed. It appears that the greater percentage succumbed to the omnipresence of the establishment's sensationalized and overblown propaganda. Almost two years into the Covid Era the rate of recovery and asymptomatic still holds at 98.5% - yet never is promoted to our consciousness. Quite the usual racket that is ongoing.
  17. Nah. not even close to being of the puppet master's inner circles. His health and fragility might be a factor.
  18. Isn't this typical - not being on the same page is part of the game.
  19. Largely based on myth and culturally-centric conditioning. More fantasy than reality.
  20. Actually, the old COE 14-day quarantine process was easier, albeit nonsense, and much more straightforward than the current Thailand Pass "technical" procedures. Shouldn't surprise that they couldn't have designed a simple and effortless process without bumbling over the obvious IT and software issues. Some might suggest that none of this current system requires any such technical/computer process. All of the "online" procedures could easily be simplified by returning to an older standard of physical checks and entry.
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