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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Being falsely sweet can sometimes lead to levels of toxicity.
  2. Throughout many provinces, such was never truly observed or enforced.
  3. Birds of a feather - Certainly should understand that any spouting or rhetoric from these particular circles has little to do regarding the well being of society.
  4. And we have yet to recognize who the real thieves might be.
  5. Where does one find hard evidence regarding this long-winded subject matter? ????????
  6. You might do some deeper research before commenting whimsically. Repeating what has been set in place, over and again, is of little value.
  7. In fairness, the Generals are mere surface puppets serving the cabal.
  8. In the end, it's all about the well being of the people and for the good of the country. ????????
  9. ....and other significant and controlling events of the last few decades. Sleight-of-hand and curtain politics is what it's always been about.
  10. I would imagine that these opening situations are largely dependent on locale readiness. Some have been ready and willing for a couple of months now, while others are clearly not that organised as of yet. I believe their has been a determined push to vaccinated teachers and staff most everywhere...... The real factor might be to monitor if the extended family/household members of the respected students - inoculated or not. As well as the politics behind vaccinating children or not, which has largely been made up by scientific bullocks. Who knows what kind of protocol measures might be expected or in place if or when schooling reopens..... Personally, I don't think the general percentage numbers [47-48 percent presently] are ready for any such universal and forced upon opening.
  11. An all too common trait. Casting/judging the whole of society from a couple of experiences - limited exposure. If three or four are of this nature, then of course this must apply to the broader culture.
  12. Don't confuse them more than they might be already - especially to challenge their silliness, which might send them into a dither. Though, an intriguing thought. I doubt any such scenario would come into play.
  13. This might apply to the odd set of testicles as well.....
  14. There are herbal remedies that might aid in your time of need.
  15. The Neo-Luddite movement is afoot. Conformists beware.
  16. The bottom line is mindless consumption, accumulation and waste. Little to do with anything else.
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