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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Hypothetically, what if every alcohol serving business and everyone that enjoys social drinking were to resist and challenge this current and rather silly temperance imposed restrictions?
  2. They could always do the right thing and serve the people. Though, that might be asking too much for any politician the world over.
  3. Probably won't kill thousands even if thousands are infected. Remember that the severely ill and death ratio is still quite minute.
  4. Ebola isn't an airborne contagion, which is reflective of it's low degree of spread.
  5. .....and these are the mutated strains that they're telling us about. Who knows how many nasty hybrids have developed naturally - and their coming impact on the world. Appears that the most brilliant and diligent science can keep up with it. And with each combative development, the strains/variants become stronger and nastier. Our approach might be a bit naive.
  6. Which shouldn't surprise anyone as to their continuing incompetence regarding simple organization of the works.
  7. .....and we've seemed to miss the larger picture of what a truer prioritized national embarrassment might be. Largely applies to crack "journalists" who chase down trivial tabloid-like pursuits, who, in turn, don't recognize it in themselves.
  8. The more floral type that grows profusely in the northern highlands. Makes for a lovely parting gift.
  9. More akin to six months, isn't it? ???? Some might prefer to live in a fanciful manner, pretending to be more than they really are.????
  10. You might be surprise as to the number that don't comprehend these scientific facts.
  11. Many of these older legendary notions regarding Plumeria have withered, where these species [and the numerous varieties] have found an appreciated place in most everyone's gardens and properties - not exclusive to Wats. One will find increasing growth of Farangipani hybrid farms that develop cross-bred varieties for homes and commercial properties.
  12. Wiser folks know what holiday is what and stock up accordingly. Or.....are lesser dependent on the Western-style supermarket to attain their precious goods. And many shouldn't be here at all, as they've never acquired the skill of natural acclimation or fitting in.......continuing on in their very ignorant and foreign manner.
  13. And been confirmed by most reasoned folks - the tourists and traveler types won't bother with the current designed bureaucracy in place.....even in this new modified form. And the Thai authorities continue on not getting it - if they ever will. Aside from their usual vacant logic, all of these measures [past and present] shouldn't apply to long time foreign residents with business and familial associations.
  14. Remembering the good old days, born of romantic literature and lore, when foreigners weren't placed with - nor were required to conform to - this expatriate tag and all the convoluted stereotypes that might be associated. This contemporary class has drawn pathetic.
  15. Why bother with any type of Farang Ghetto setting?
  16. Too much of the particular Kool-Aid.....
  17. As these activities should be inspired by the broad collective for the commons. If we don't have strong social and familial extensions, the purpose becomes moot.
  18. Indeed. These types of showings are rife with deep hypocrisy and contradictions of a rhetorically embarrassing level.
  19. A commendable consideration, yet most [the world over] are unwilling to live their protests in exchange for surface obsessive values. That's why we're in the state that we are......everywhere.
  20. We might even simply ask ourselves what imbibing alcohol and anything COVID have to do with each other. It appears that this little episode is just one of many - using COVID/COVID era to justify most any reasoning and whim.
  21. If one was to take truer survey of all Thais - across all classes - an overwhelming percentage wouldn't care one way or the other. Most, if not all, are usually suckered into polls and surveys of any nature. Sure is obvious among this dandy group.
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