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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. If the truth were to be known, 95% of the good Thai folks [of all classes] don't really give a rat's <deleted> one way or the other.
  2. Drunkard Anglo types. This is what they are truly famed for.
  3. There is talk that transit flight restrictions through Taoyuan Int'l will be lifted before that - 15 Dec?? All this might be hopeful rumour. As Taiwan is enjoying success in domestic vaccination rates and quite efficient at monitoring/segregating all foreign transits.
  4. Personally, I'm looking forward to the upcoming sideshow and carney - Kick back with a little Ya Dong and experience the amusement at a few's expense. Neither pro or con about the whole thing. I'll be in the front row when the curtains open. Best of luck to everyone.
  5. Well...it's a well known fact that the dirty foreigner is the principle spreader of such awful things.????????
  6. Keeping caution as to the possibilities of a sudden Lao attack from the sea.
  7. It's always been way outta reach for 95% of the population. Add medical insurance to this unattainable category. The most brilliant "public" medical minds, programs and institutions are of little value if no one can take advantage of it.
  8. True. Wouldn't expect the great masses at least until Songkran and if/when the kooky authorities come to their senses - by April/May the majority of the population will have satisfied the vaccine quota. Or not. November through let's say.......February - won't amount to much but a trickle. And again, the brilliant-minded authority experts shoot themselves in the collective feet. Still baffled and never learning.
  9. Thai craft/micro brews? Anyone? Some might be quite deserving of any such praise.
  10. New government? What's so new about this [or any] governing body and it's style? Same as it ever was.
  11. Well configured and expanded effort. But their authoritarian ears aren't listening to any such reasoning. The learning curve is nil.
  12. Such reasoned and similar pearls have been repeated by numerous souls recently, all to fall on ridicule or ignored by the usual circles. We don't realize what we have until it's lost.
  13. As would the discretionary and dullard descriptive term, lovely - Nice and lovely. Double your money. Alai Khadai. ????
  14. Yeah. So many more, be they local or foreigner, have enjoyed decent and professional care - across the board. This manner and stance doesn't receive the attention or accolades that it deserves....... The minute minority of critique and whinging usually drowns out any such positives in life.
  15. Fashionable and romantic, perhaps. But they soon learn that other places aren't so riveting and alternative. The whole of the forum world has become somewhat homogenous.
  16. More to do with fate and happenstance than of luck.
  17. It's all about mindless consumption and accumulation. And then what......?
  18. I suspect that these venues will come back in force, especially of the local upcountry variety - as they already have. Probably much more akin and important to the revival of local economies than that of the Farang-inspired counterpart.
  19. Unfortunately, that's what they do - part and parcel of their base conditioned character. And wonder still why they remain so unhealthy - in spirit and soul.
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