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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. This might certainly apply to all brethren English-speaking cultures and their world. The kinship and character is one and the same. Not an endearing or developed bunch.
  2. I would expect the official stance and policy to be changing soon. Mandated will be the call.
  3. The predictable hand wringing and debate is as annual as the flooding somewhere in the country. And all the angst passes and forgotten come the months thereafter. Out of sight, out of mind.
  4. Another skullduggery ship that passes in the night without notice. Been of this nature forever. Ho Hum....
  5. If I'm not mistaken, I believe that it was recently made mandatory. There are some debates whether children might be vaccinated or not, lower dose, wait for the tweaked variety made for youngsters, etc.... If anything, teachers and admin staff should be vaccinated for everyone's protection. That should've been a priority from the start. Until then, a protocol practiced [mask, distancing, etc] classroom might be prudent and advisable.
  6. I'm seeking a decent field guide or directory regarding birds in Thailand - colour plates and detailed descriptions included. Years ago, I had a thick copy of a Thai/English reference guide {published in Thailand} and today I can't seem to locate it again....I would like to retrieve the same book if it is still in circulation. Yes, I know there are a few references guides on the subject, but I'm attempting to secure this one particular scholarly-type book that was published some time back in Thailand. IsaanBirder! I know you are out there......help and advice would be appreciated. Thanks again!
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