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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Some might take this wisdom to heart. Cheers! ????
  2. The pressure is on the authorities. Their knickers are starting to show as to the piled up mangling regarding most everything. Something's got to give. Save for the fashionable demonstrations on the streets, there might be a rebellious spirit looming among the truer populations. Awaiting.
  3. Simply, a way of life for these circles and get away with such because they can.
  4. Yeah. Get outta the hospitality business and get into something that will be equally controlled and repressed by the omnipresent authorities....
  5. Spot on. If we could only get the human collective on board.
  6. As long as we're showing off Thai copy-cat models in not such a humble manner - pics below, second home in Sukhothai. Built similar patterns while years in Surin and then again in Phichit. Traditional designs are the only practical way to go.
  7. Wants to be "local" but also Farang Ghetto? Seems to be a bit contradictory.
  8. Clever Farang.???? Wonder where you got these design ideals from......
  9. Perhaps, they'll all wipe each other out making Americans and Americanism extinct. The world would only be a better place. *THREAD CLOSED*
  10. Indeed. An even more perplexing aspect, if not fascinating, of this general mindset is the insistence of the comparatives and superlatives - wanting, if not needing, Thailand [or anywhere else that's not of their Western nature] to exemplify their cultural character. A common thread shared by passer by or long time resident. I've witnessed this nature the world over and find it to be almost backward.
  11. And you certainly won't receive any such detailed news/info here or any other news source - largely consist of misleading and sleight-of-hand quality confusion. I might go to a Thai Embassy of your choosing and inquire within - asking the pertinent questions as to what is and what isn't. Though, I might guess that the assorted officialdom aren't all on the same page as of yet.
  12. Same as it ever was. The clubs exist the world over, historically. And not much difference between 'em.
  13. Even more bizarre and deluded, the NACC is considered an independent watchdog.
  14. Shouldn't be surprised as to the selected circles that become overly obsessed with trivial things. Consider the source and than move on.
  15. Those that might be overly concerned with such matters are almost always missing the bigger and important picture.
  16. Too many favourites to be mentioned......a wide variety can be considered a favourite. No such beast as a singular or a couple of favourites. The list is endless. Of the YouTube class, that's even broader - Small example: Voice TV PITVFANPAGE FCCTEvents UsefulIdiots Etc.....etc....etc
  17. The bottom line: Don't let the door hit your backside on the way out. Bye. Noted: Kind of astonishing as to the number of replies/comments that these types of OPs generate in a very short time, isn't it?
  18. I'm seeking a decent field guide or directory regarding birds in Thailand - colour plates and detailed descriptions included. Years ago, I had a thick copy of a Thai/English reference guide {published in Thailand} and today I can't seem to locate it again....I would like to retrieve the same book if it is still in circulation. Yes, I know there are a few references guides on the subject, but I'm attempting to secure this one particular scholarly-type book that was published some time back in Thailand. IsaanBirder! I know you are out there......help and advice would be appreciated. Thanks again!
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