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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. One day or a week of protest will amount to nothing - regardless of the fanciful number that you pull out of your backside. A unified general strike for quite a spell might get their attention.......or a ingrained lifestyle of living one's protest [collectively].
  2. The real genuine pro-democracy forces aren't allowed to participate within the oligarchical pyramid scheme. So much for your hopeful ideology.
  3. I'll take Thai Rhetorical Magic Appears To Have Farang Terribly Baffled for 500, Alex.....
  4. Well....that'll take our minds off the important things. ????
  5. One needs to deeply look into the rhymes and reasons on the origins of this inane War On Some Drugs and you'll find that it's just part and parcel to the generalized racket that was set forth.
  6. Not so fast....they have ways. Since the dreaded COVID is still a conscious/made up entity within their circle - they'll find a way. If not, they'll invent something to justify their devious additions.
  7. Whatta ya call a thousand politicians chained to the bottom of the sea?
  8. Symbolic street protest accomplish little or nothing. Revolutions, on the other hand....... ????
  9. And the Thai establishment based media seems quite ok with promoting such things. Going along to get along. Shameful.
  10. Or even more so. These particular Western cultures just don't want to recognize as such. The initial OP inquiry tends to be more of an Occidental political inquiry than a social one.
  11. LAX or SeaTac for comparative examples.......I'm guessing there are many many more the world over. Swampy. Could be worse.
  12. And a solid 10/10 regarding general oligarchical graft and corruption. Proud and recognized.
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