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Everything posted by marin

  1. bob, you wake up each day with a new "tall tale" that is more outrageous than the one before. You have not been travelling you have been posting on here non stop since your return from your short flounce. What a bunch of BS this one is though. Anyone who has lived here for any length of time at all will know what part of your body you are talking out of.
  2. Of course Bill. I simply did not read to the bottom. So many options any service you choose. I dont take the bus, trains or planes for me. Did my one bus journey to Chiang Mai 40 years ago.
  3. Nothing sophisticated at all. Just silly people booking on Facebook after months of warnings of this same scam. Same kind of people book there as opt for 10% per month interest scams.
  4. Again I say are you sure? I sent you Sombat tour, its 2-1. https://www.sombattour.com/en/services/view/bus-standards-comparison
  5. marin

    90 days nightmare

    Werent you happier when you left for the weekend, after saying you were "outa here"
  6. One of the Rimping Markets in Chiang Mai will carry those items.
  7. He was in his home swimming pool playing with his grandkids. This is a far cry from a hydro therapy pool of which you are talking about. Then to go into emotions behind your post is just silly. He is happy and playing in his pool with his grandkids. If you dont see that no physical therapy is going on leaves me flabbergasted.
  8. Give me a break. Back in the day when smoking was allowed it endangered all on board. Plus it smelled like crap and bothered the 80% of people on board who did not smoke. There is a valid reason why it is banned.
  9. Not quite sure what you are on about. The first photo shows the one seat side which you can book. I dont like busses myself, and dont think there is a one on one configuration here. Just book the one seat side mate.
  10. https://www.chiangmaitraveller.com/bangkok-to-chiang-mai-overnight-bus-first-class-times-tickets/
  11. Most others are not numskulls like you. Go back in your hole please and check out your other post to me. I have responded to your silly post about the Red Line Stations.
  12. Other than living in Don Muang and driving past the stations from the terminus to Rangsit almost daily no. I have lived and worked here for 35 years unlike you.
  13. Keep in mind all the stations were finished at least two years before the service started. Thus open to the elements with no upkeep during the finished and open time.
  14. Perfect example of a Trump supporter. Largely uneducated as evidenced by the 5th grade grammar.
  15. Seems its you. After you gave up on Google Maps, two other posters tried to give you a hand, and you blame Thailand. Reinforced by this. I agree its hot as hell and nobody wants to be out in the heat but.....šŸ¤”
  16. Must have broken his heart. For sure making hundreds of thousands of baht a month for himself just off this one gig. So well known is the corruption in Don Muang Police its just laughed about by the people of the district. Raided 10+ times in the last two years.
  17. Chiang Mai is Songkhran central. What were you planning to escape?
  18. You would probably remember when Kim ran the kitchen at the White Rabbit, the restaurant downstairs from Woodstock in the old Nana Plaza. From there to Jools.
  19. Why did you start a new thread? I answered you here from your post of March 29 Bad enough getting a rep;y from Westminister but do you go through the local Government here in Thailand and googled it but no addresses given Thanks and just wondering or indeed the Government or PM himself Thanks all
  20. Just talking to you daddio. What happened to wonderful Canada? The housing, the banking, the weather, and how much your wife loves it. Anyway welcome home, its quite hot as you will see. Now take a few deep breaths, its all going to be okay.
  21. Seems nobody gave a rats rear end...
  22. Yes she can, my daughter did it. If she enters on the expired passport she will need to make the new passport to leave. Immigration advised my daughter to enter on US passport as she was coming for 3 weeks She said no we were taking her to get both a new ID and a Passport the same day as arrival. She was 24 though. So how long is she coming for is the key. I would talk to the ministry that deals with Passports on Changwattana and see what you can do with regards to mom being out of the picture. My daughter knew exactly what to do. Good luck.
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