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Everything posted by marin

  1. Bob, bob bob, you simply did not think this last post out well enough.
  2. You are a farang leaving Thailand as you so eloquently laid out yesterday. You gave a variety of reason mostly negative criticisms of Thai's and Thailand. You went so far as to say you were leaving your wife, and would post pictures at the departure gate. What happened to that bob? This is why you are getting called out.
  3. I feel you do bob. Why not stop your daily troll or BS topics. You only post to get reactions, its gotten so old that many of the reactions are negative. Its obvious you dont like this. So stop rather than crying to the mods and admin.
  4. sounds good! let's get the ball rollin'! regards, the real bob. Dont forget you are leaving Thailand and your wife bob. You laid it out so clearly for all to read yesterday. Don't go back on "your word" , sic, as you have done so many times before.
  5. I would question who is the cockroach? Is it the people who reply or is it the poster who starts nonsensical threads that are based in lies and deceit? When called on the lies then begins to bitch and cry. Perhaps troll is a better word than cockroach. Just trying to get responses. Then feels fulfilled.
  6. True colors begin to show. Can give it out but not take it. Big Baby!!!
  7. Nice to meet a common mind. Happy for you and your kids.
  8. It was but worth every penny. More than you would think. We had twins..🙃
  9. You lost me as well. Quite angry I spent almost an hour arguing with a bottom feeding liar. I have to get out to Don Muang airport and get in my private jet. Dinner appointment in Phuket dont ya know!!🤪🙃🤣
  10. Then you would be very very wrong. At my kids school every single teacher was an outside hire so of course critical thinking and questioning are a core part of any course that is taken. I do agree with you about Thai schooling though. Primary was fine, the school taught more about being a decent human than hard core learning. But Mattayom school was a joke just as you posted. Hence their last 4 years were at a top tier international school.
  11. The Thai's very quickly figured out you are a bottom feeder, hence your problem. Read my post one more time.
  12. Hey bob. Dont try to put your horrible experiences here over onto me. I have enjoyed all 35 years of my stay here. Raised my kids here and loved it. Showed them most of Thailand and a lot of Asia. When they left for university it was still great as it is now. Getting ready to go see them in May. The bottom line is bottom feeders tend to stay on the bottom where they survive the best. Hence your problems. Most of us dont lie and invent false lives we get on with our own and make the most of it. Something you have not done, and this has turned you into a bitter drunk.
  13. Its a pity you have chosen to live where you do, but that was your choice. My kids never once ran across anything like that. Both live in the states now with great jobs. They are 25 and have been there since they started university at 17. Fred, sadly money changes everything here. One last thing I myself was born and educated abroad. Coming back at 12 in 1963 I wanted to live near my aunty in Texas. My father crossed that off the list all those years ago. The standard of public education in Texas has been poor for so many decades. I wish you luck.
  14. Wish I could say the same bob but cant. Just go thats best for all.
  15. There is racism anywhere in the world. Dangerous roads, you make me laugh. Pollution the same as anywhere if you dont live in the north this time of year. How did corruption affect you Birdman? I guess you did not read the part about being able to pay for a good education. Warm weather year round Great and cheap domestic travel Great food of all nationalities Having a gray area when it comes to rules, its not all black and white Really excellent international schools that deliver
  16. I did the same thing a few years ago. When I realized what I had done I got very embarrassed. I sure as heck did not go tell everyone about it. Seriously, think about it Mike Bell.
  17. I would disagree here. Why do you think Thailand is not a good place to raise kids? If you have the money for good schooling it is a great place to raise kids.
  18. Just replying to him Fred. Have a read. The guy is so full of poo its falling out his ears. But he seems so love you. Misery loves company I guess.
  19. 4 days ago you were trying very hard to integrate into Thai society. 3 days ago you were quitting drinking, 2 days ago you found a hi/so gym, and now you are leaving. What a wimp. 1 hour once a year, and 1 minute once every 90 days. If you are not a space case life can be quite grand here in the LOS. Oh and I will never believe you have spent anywhere near 10 years here. You will always be a newbie bob. Why? You dont and have never had a clue what Thailand is.
  20. Just go, go, go far away. This long slow exit is BS. Gonna go, go. Stop milking everybody. You have no life outside of AN. Go!!!
  21. Its okay, but I much prefer Chantaburi. One of the more surprisingly nice towns I have come across in Thailand.
  22. According to KhaoSod English bob and others would have had one hell of a time.🤣 Khaosod English @KhaosodEnglish (1/2) A transgender woman was arrested in #Buriram Mon for posting sexually provocative pics of herself in front of Rama I statue online with a message: "Come visit my town". She's charged under Computer Crime Act & faces a possible maximum jail term of 5 yrs and/or 100K bt fine.
  23. Nubmer... One hell of a smart YouTuber. 🤪🤣
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