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Everything posted by marin

  1. Pass the DL test, get the license, agree to wear helmet is about all you can do other than simply say no.
  2. I have a bridge for you. Guaranteed great investment. ????
  3. Stop dreaming. No passport to immigration no physical stamp in passport.
  4. Dude you have to get a life. Yesterday terminal depression but ate some KFC and recovered. So today out trolling again. If you had a life you would not need to see your name up in lights here. I know traffic is off here a bit and the mods are being loose but its just so obviously a troll. My two cents worth anyway. ????
  5. Look at what you have written. Even without the gambling problem why would you want to spend the rest of your life with someone like this? Put some real thought to your situation and stop feeling sorry for yourself.
  6. You sound like a drama queen to me. An unfriendly one at that.????
  7. Then go "brother", You have your own thread, "I think I am having a nervous breakdown" that you started an hour ago where you said you are drinking yourself into oblivion. Be better to just go as has been suggested.
  8. From the last few threads you have started it seems your hate of Thailand has caught up with you. You have posted you like nothing about living here, and went so far as to say you prefer Filipina women and wish there were more here. You need to get your self together and get out of here. Valium is only going to make your problems worse and give you one more addiction to go along with alcohol. Get all your ducks lined up buy a ticket and go. If in hindsight you change your mind its easy to come back. Your life here is not going to get any better in the short run.
  9. Second troll thread in a row. Better title would be "Are you using long lines". Don't you have something better to do?
  10. Be better than what do you want to eat? We are planning a trip to Turkey. Its fun talking about how the peaks around Cappadocia were formed or the Roman ruins at Ephesus.
  11. Nah, its obvious you are intimidated by smart women. We rarely discuss finance anymore as we have done well. World and domestic travel, our kids who live in the states, home cooking and gardening tend to be common topics. Thai womens volleyball is also high on the list as they are in the tourney being held at Hua Mak Stadium. Have a good one.
  12. Are you really that shallow? Won't say more that is your style.
  13. Give me a break. Your humor at times sucks. I met her buying mutual funds from Bua Luang Securities who she worked for at the time. She has an MA. from Wharton School of Business in Finance. I have never mentioned this before, but your comment was quite sh$#@y. Google it.
  14. The kids handiwork from a couple of years ago. Both corn and flour, with pico de gallo.
  15. Some of us did not marry bargirls. I have never spoken to my wife about this and we have never been in a bar like you are talking about.
  16. Even though I have a car I hate driving in central Bangkok. I take a bus when necessary from Don Muang. You pay the conductor as you said for both air conditioned and normal. The normal are simply too hot. DM airport is always less than half an hour to Mochit BTS and you dont get the blabber mouth taxi drivers. Works for me.
  17. Sorry mods my last post on this thread. Okay, check this out. Anger issues.
  18. That is obvious. I have no quarrel with you, I simply disagree and you are going ape sh&t. Take your own advice and calm down. You dont carry so you have nothing to worry about. When you threaten people they tend to respond.
  19. So you are saying you made up your whole OP about Jomtien and it is BS?
  20. Again, you are not going to prison over a little weed no matter what. Why the doom and dread in your posts? "I personally would not do it or suggest it" Now that would make sense.
  21. Thank you. Posts like this anger me. You were much more polite than I.
  22. Jai yen yen, hope Coconuts is allowed as a link. Until the marijuana laws are amended this is the case. https://coconuts.co/bangkok/news/you-can-carry-weed-on-domestic-flights-airports-of-thailand/ The skies above Thailand got friendlier today with confirmation that travelers of legal age can carry cannabis on domestic flights. While more than 10 calls to various departments at Airports of Thailand, or AOT, and the Civil Aviation Authority were met with “I don’t knows” and occasional laughter, Airports of Thailand’s Security Department today told Coconuts that their rules only prevented passengers under 20 from flying with cannabis.
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