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Everything posted by userabcd

  1. Not to say it is the same but a few days ago at asoke interchange, saw a foreigner on a similar motorcycle, when the light change to green he was first off the mark racing his engine and popped off a wheelie across the intersection and raced off at great speed down Sukhumvit well ahead of everybody. In addition to that the young guy was not wearing a helmet.
  2. Better to call ahead to find out if Moderna will be still be available, to avoid a wasted trip. My wife was there towards the end of last week and they told her that Moderna (door 1) vaccine was ending on the 2nd July 2022. Pfizer vaccine will still be available and given until the end of July 2022.
  3. Could be Krathon. From a website link Thai Fruits: 20 Exotic Fruits in Thailand | Will Fly for Food 8. Santol Santol is a tropical fruit native to Malesia. Round in shape and about the size of an apple, it has a translucent to white pulp that can range in flavor from sour to very sweet, depending on the maturity and variety of the fruit. Santol is also known as cotton fruit in reference to the soft and juicy but cotton-like consistency of its pulp that can be difficult to separate from the seeds. In Thai cooking, unripe santol is a key ingredient in som tam (ส้มตำ) or Thai papaya salad. It’s also used in other Thai dishes like santol and pork (แกงหมูกระท้อน) and santol and prawn curries (แกงคั่วกระท้อนกุ้ง). Scientific name: Sandoricum koetjape Thai name: Krathon (กระท้อน) Santol season in Thailand: April to August
  4. As are left leaning people I would surmise, continually going on about race.
  5. "Free world"....LOL The US and EU have imposed all these economic restrictions, money printing, covid lockdowns, restricting economic activity etc...for their world order, the citizens have chosen to accept that so they should stop complaining when inflation and prices are increasing.
  6. reduction of abv Thats aways a good thing, reduces the liver damage, beer bellys and people drinking to get a brain buzz.
  7. Strange she could not define a woman when she herself appears to be one.
  8. Always have a laugh at the dogs hanging out in front of the 711 nearby, everybody has to work their way around them as they cool off with the aircon.
  9. If not disabled, could you not park in the nearest place and then walk back to conduct your business? that is what any practical person would do.
  10. Looks like a Shure SM7B Microphone, if one compares pics for this device. In some of his other videos it looks that he was also using a Shure MV7 microphone. https://www.shure.com/en-ASIA/products/microphones/mv7 https://www.shure.com/en-ASIA/products/microphones/sm7b
  11. My wife tells me 09h00 to 16h00. They are quite efficient and there is not a lot of people, the whole process is quite quick. I was in and out in 1 hour (11h30 to 12h30) including the 30 min post vaccine observation time.
  12. Just returned from Bang Sue 28th June 2022, got my booster 3rd dose of pfizer. Walkin. Can choose Moderna, Pfizer and astra zeneca available as booster shots. My wife told me they were calling out and offering booster doses 4 and 5.
  13. Why on earth the disparaging comments made about your hosts? The Thais manage their country just fine without your input.
  14. Extract from Belaws.com "What does the delisting of Marijuana in Thailand actually mean? Many people assume that now that Marijuana has been delisted, they can do whatever they like with it. However, this is not the case and in reality the delisting of Marijuana is for medical and scientific purposes. It permits the use of cannabis in medical treatments and various health-related products as well. As mentioned above, growing Marijuana at home is possible but for personal use only. Those who are growing on their own Marijuana plants must first register with the authorities." And from another online source "You are not allowed to use marijuana for recreational purposes"
  15. More evidence and details explaining why this is so would be welcome.
  16. No harm at all by complaining, everyone does it for various things. Depends on the price of a product and if the 10 baht price increase as a percentage is an excessive prices increase in relations to inflation and also depends if its a once off purchase or a multiply purchase of a daily necessity which would then have a greater impact on a persons income. Don't forget, its 10 baht here, 10 baht there, govt services price increases, size reduction of goods, it all adds up and becomes more than just a measly 10 baht.
  17. Govt has probably spent more than that holding enquiriies, meetings and investigations.
  18. Recently binge watched 2 tv series and can recommend: Unforgotten Happy Valley
  19. Contact the Thai seed trade association or the Thai ministry of commerce and get real information related to seed exports and the rules. Refer briefing guide on import and export in Thailand. https://www.aseanbriefing.com/news/guide-thailands-import-export-procedures/ "Currently, around 50 goods categories require an export permit. These include goods such sugar and rice, which require a permit to maintain quality, and others including trees and seeds that require permits under other laws. The Customs Department website provides a detailed overview of restricted goods"
  20. Get one year sim on True, DTAC or TOT, AIS. DTAC 30Mbps 1650 Baht True 15Mbps 1840 Baht TOT (Thundersim) Max speed 999 Baht I'm using a one year TOT sim for 999 baht in a TPLink 4G router (MR200) and am sharing the connection with others and have no problems at all with streaming and browsing.
  21. Try call them, they would be able to give you an answer.
  22. Hunt for food from Makro, Tops, Big C and Lotus's and in the local markets for some fresh veggies and fruit. Fend off the zombies trying to take it from us.
  23. Thought it was the credit card name and holder who would be responsible for any debt, not the address of an account holder. While the bills and summons may be delivered to the registered address on the account. The terms and conditions would maybe describe what the residential address constitutes since it is obvious the card holder does not live/reside there.
  24. Bit of money laundering and tax evasion for the 500 baht part could be tacked on there though.
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