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Everything posted by recom273

  1. I was looking to put up a pegboard in my workshop - back in the UK they would be sheets of mdf with holes drilled in them. I have been looking around and on Lazada, the choice is a bit slim. I bought one tile to test out, it turned out to be a copy of ikea skadis, but the dimensions were a little out, meaning I would have to design and 3D print my own bins and hooks. Just wondering if anyone else uses pegboard and found an economical solution?
  2. Currently watching Commando’s a Dutch show from 2020 It looks like it was capped on SBS - it has the yellow barcoded subtitles that some dislike.
  3. I didn’t read all replies. It’s nothing to do with demand or anything else. The question is why is milk so cheap in the UK? Supermarkets driving down the price and using it as a loss leader to bring people into the stores to spend on more expensive goods.
  4. I just got back from immigration - Khon Kaen is usually pretty decent, they don’t charge for certificate of residence and It’s issued within 20-30 mins for example. I printed the form from my last rejected application, signed it - the wife went in while I was parking and came back. Apparently, “you can’t do it online” - no mention of any dates. She then proceeded to reject the printed sheet, copied the details and then charged her 10B for a new form. I don't have a problem with the yearly extension, keeping the money in the bank, etc, it’s just a formality and one morning a year. I don’t have an issue filing 90 days, I have done it successfully online - but to charge 10B for a necessary form? How desperate does a government dept have to be to to charge for sheet that cost 0.5B in any copy shop?
  5. Thanks - maybe the reason. I sent over on Tuesday, and they didnt process until Wednesday 31st - so this may have be the answer. Good to know, thanks very much.
  6. I didnt mention when I picked it up. The slip in the passport clearly states that the next 90 day report needs to be done on 31st July. Irrelevant of when my visa expires or was issued, this is the day I need to report and the last report was filed 90 days prior. I just mentioned the data of expiration, because it could be relevant. The point is, I have never had a problem with the online system, and it was never needed to file a 90 day on the day that I picked up the extension for the past 3-4 years, but this year without asking, the IO took it upon himself to process a document that the applicant applies for, not the IO and now there is an issue. There was no reason to file a new 90 day report as the previous years reporting period was still valid. The answer is from @Will B Good .. Have anyone else had this problem before? yes, and he sent the same form via post and was accepted. I reapplied last night and at 9:30 am received a response telling me to report to the local office. I dont expect any issues, im sure they will accept my submission without any comment, I won't even bother to ask them to explain.
  7. I have been using the online system since it changed to the current website without an issue. I pretty much have an automated system, I get alerts when it's time to report, I log on, I cut and paste my passport number, and use the auto-complete form, then press the "apply" button. When I last collected my last extension, the immigration officer said to my wife "oh, might aswell do the 90 day as you are here" - I have never done a report at the office for 3 years. My report date started two weeks prior to today, 31st July, and expires 7 days after. My extension is until the April 5th 2025, and I arrived to Thailand in 2020. I filed my application, and today, received an email saying my information was not valid .. how can the info be incorrect on an auto-complete form, where I only need to change the date of the visa expiry once a year ? What's next? I don't really want to go back down to immigration office because the same thing might happen next time I try to do a digital report. I have filed another online report - it's pretty poor that the application can be dismissed without any explanation that the info is incorrect. Has anyone else experienced this?
  8. Yup just paste it in, ask it to correct, improve, include more details. You can use this for example - IELTS is an English proficiency test - just copy and paste write an 3 min ielts speaking answer to describe a beautiful city that you have visited. You should say: what city it was - London how you got there - Flew from Bangkok what you saw or did there - walked around the city looking at architecture and explain why you think london was a beautiful city. It’s a bit of a strange time for education - my niece just received a qualification in stage and movie makeup, there was a final practical exam, assessment throughout the two years and a couple of written assignments which ChatGPT did for her.
  9. It’s a game changer for me - 1. Proof reading essays - I get sick and tired of correcting grammar from Chinese students, sometimes I get confused by the content, which wastes a lot of time. AI takes that initial read away, also I’m often asked to proof read topics I have absolutely no clue on. 2. IELTS speaking test answers - Just ask it to create a speech addressing the following points. 3. Lesson plan and lesson reports - You don’t need to follow the lesson plans word for word and it addresses the important points. With all of this, you still can’t rely upon on AI, it would be good if it learned your curriculum and your students, everything is a one-off, there is no continuity and no replacement for the personal touch. You can tell also when a lazy student has just cut and pasted an AI essay.
  10. I’m watching Love/Hate .. currently in S03 - I kind of missed / passed it before - the first series was kind of dated and badly acted / shot - but I’m really into it now. Did anyone else catch the finale of Presumed Innocent ? I thought it was a bit of a letdown, I loved the Tommy Molto & Del Aguadio characters but there could have been some kind of clue who the murderer was, and then the last scene .. what was that all about?
  11. There is a S02 running now, but its on Israeli TV with no English subs. I started watching a French series, Mafiosas - I struggled through the first episode, I find French TV too tiring to keep up, a little like The Bureau, another show I gave up on. Finally settled on Troppo S01.
  12. Speaking as someone who has abused every visa that the Thai government introduced over the years I can suggest that the only people this decision will benefit will be backpackers with little budget, now doing a bi-monthly land border run, digital nomads / YouTubers or uncertified teachers working in schools. It doesn't make sense. Just maybe it would apply to a small number of tourists that arrive in BKK, do a vacation in Thailand, pop over to see Ankor Wat, back to Thailand, over to Laos, back into Thailand then fly to VN or overland to Malaysia. Making a move like this now only benefits people here now, no one will plan a holiday for next high season around visa rules.
  13. If you love the smell of piss from a lavatory in the morning, take the train - it’s a great experience. Back in the days before affordable domestic air travel, on my first trip here I sat opposite one western guy, he bought a bottle of sang som with him, he spoke Thai which blew me away, we drank until the guard made the beds and shut down the party, backpackers would be play cards, you could get up and smoke in between the carriages and we all had a great time. Ever since then I never had an enjoyable experience on the train, nowadays the stopped people drinking, backpackers seem to change, everyone flies.
  14. Then use a paid VPN - most vpn companies are mining your data, selling your information and browsing habits (just the same as a lot of industries like home automation, cloud providers, cctv, it’s nothing special) so use something like proton or mullvad. There is client software, like viscosity, which use your VPN credentials but not a proprietary app from the vpn provider.
  15. An alternative view - Yes, try doing this on the London Underground - the woman would be called out every time. This isn’t an excuse for the guys bully tactics which detracts from the message, but this is common behavior by Thais on the BTS / MRT. There were posts on Reddit from Thais who agreed with the guy, although not his manner. I have encountered some pretty entitled individuals on BTS during rush hour, blocking the entrance because they will be getting off in 4 stops time, silently refusing to move back into the corners, creating their own space by putting their phones up. Trains pulling away leaving passengers on the platform when there is room on the other side of the vestibule are quite common. Actually, quite an interesting week on Thai socials, I don’t think it made AN but a guy opened the door and launched some woman’s phone into the distance after she sat at a green light using her phone. Her reply was “it was Google maps” - doesn’t matter, using your phone whilst driving is wrong. Sometimes Thais need to be held accountable for their actions.
  16. it is amazing isn’t it? (Well not really) On UK governent forms, font is clear, there is ample room for you to write your details in clearly indicated boxes. We have been using a lot of these Thai forms since, idk, the 70s. You would think that after looking at these forms for 40 years one immigration officer would suggest to extend the “city” line to allow “Nakhon Ratchasima” to be written without being over the next section or to make applicants life easier when you complete the passport valid from / until / issued on section, I have to look and think about that every time. The layout is so confusing, despite having filled them out for nearly 20 years I sometimes make mistakes. As mentioned these skewed forms have been photocopied so many times it’s beyond recognition.
  17. Yes, it’s available in the series pack S02E01-08 Did anyone catch Blackspace an Iseraeli drama, about a school massacre? S02 just appeared and I have been catching up on S01.
  18. Fine him whatever you like, if he doesn’t have the money, he can’t pay. Education and civil responsibility comes first. When people understand that they are doing something wrong then fine them.
  19. Someone posted a video on Reddit of kids swinging over a river on a weeping willow tree, the branch snapped and the kid fell in the river - the general idea of the sub is that kids are stupid. I remember vividly daring mates and taking part in swinging over the lake on weeping willow branches, it was called fun!
  20. @josephbloggs You don’t necessarily have to attend on the day stamped. I always apply for my extension before Songkran, and pick up after - one year, I just plain forgot and just walked in a week later (this was Hat Yai immigration) thinking I may have issues, there wasn’t a problem. You ask about collecting the stamp. I don’t even collect my own. It’s a very quick service in our local office, I drop my wife at the door, she runs in while I’m looking for a parking spot and is usually a couple of minutes before she reappears. As soon as your paperwork is accepted and the approval stamp given then you have basically been given the extension. Don’t think so much.
  21. I started Cocaine Hotel (ok, but nothing special), Presumed Innocent (was a little bored but e03 seems to have gained my interest) and a new series of The Boys - the trend seems to have returned to weekly episodes - searching for something to fill the gap, I realised I had missed the third and final series of Dom.
  22. We had this constantly in Hat Yai Big C - 6 o’clock, the wife got home from work, maybe had just finished a bit of shopping - those times when you are too lazy to cook, so we popped into KFC only to discover no chicken. When we questioned the staff, it’s because they close at 9:00 pm. “it’s 6:00 pm, dinner time, when people want to eat your fried chicken” - they needed 3 hours to clean and didn’t think it was necessary to cook some chicken for the evening time. I think it was such a regular occourence that I contacted the head office, they passed me to the area franchise manager who said the same thing.
  23. I am really lost, I said I was interested in buying a router - the Spitz 750 because it had carrier aggregation and you posted specs of another router. You are comparing apples to oranges, but to tell the truth I really don’t understand what point you are making - the only reason I posted was because I have a similar need for uninterrupted internet service. Please, whatever you suggest is much better, he should listen to the guy on Shopee.
  24. As I wrote in the first post, the Spitz 750 was the only sim router that could utilize carrier aggregation. We don’t know if carrier aggregation is possible without contacting the cell provider. I don’t understand your point. All Of suggested was the OP contacts this company for some advice as I had good dealings with them in the past.
  25. There have been plenty on here about sim routers, there used to be a very knowledgeable poster who suggested some specs and a gl.inet router seemed to fit his ideas. Having already one of their products I contacted the company via their website, response was really fast, i later discovered it was the CEO was really helpful, and his replies seem to fit with the info from this forum. I have no idea about Shopee. In the future I will implement a fallback system, I know my home router can perform this, I will contact them further and ask the questions to the provider to wether they utilize carrier aggregation before making a decision.
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