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Everything posted by recom273

  1. This has to be some of the best TV in years. West Oxfordshire District Council must be fuming every time a new season appears exposing their petty bureaucracy in every show. In the first season I thought Caleb was the star of the show, but I love everytime Charlie appears - watching him last night as Clarkeson was attempting to cut a branch with a chainsaw was a classic.
  2. So .. should chipset fans run or only when under load. This is a server, so spends most of the time idling, which may be why it’s not running constantly. As I said it runs for a few seconds when booting, so demonstrates it works.
  3. I’m not very good with hardware .. I build machines, connect everything up, test and replace cover. Last night one of my servers dropped a drive and I had to open the case. I noticed this fan isn’t working, just wondering what purpose it serves? It does spin for a couple of seconds when the machine is booting up but then stops. The heat sink that surrounds it is quite warm. CPU fan is working fine. Does anyone have any clues? The mobo is a MSI X570.
  4. I can't focus in this heat wand I decided to rewatch James Caan, in Las Vegas, from the early 2000s. Kind of like a Baywatch set in the desert. I will never grow tired of watching Vanessa Marcil. Has this been mentioned before? Ripley I have never been a fan of noir - but watched the first episode last night, may be interesting .. idk.
  5. TVs are smart because they havest the data - which is then sold. This may sound a bit tin foil hat but they have ACR (automated content recognition) which monitors your viewing habits - if your TV has voice commands, it may have microphones that monitor your room. This is why you can't find a dumb TV. My Samsung doesnt have to be connected to the internet to function, I didnt have the internet for a week or so when moving in to my current rental. It worked. Currently, its ethernet wired because I want to use "wake on LAN" function, but if I wanted I could quite easily put it on a separate VLAN and isolate it from the outside world.
  6. as in China, every seller in our local market, about 15km from the center of Khon Kaen had a laminated qr or two tangling upon string ready to be scanned. Interestingly enough, the wife tried to buy a couple of doughnuts as we were leaving Thai Watsadu last week, Dunkin’ have a little portacabin shop in the carpark. Cash not accepted, scan only. The managment don’t want the trouble of collecting and banking cash, no need to trust the sole employee with cash - the truck just drops a few trays of doughnuts off in the morning, the shop runs itself - seems like an efficient business model. Agreed. Cash was king.
  7. The OP is after "Hi-end" but then mentions high street brands. There are high end audio suppliers here, but the price is so inflated. I wanted some things and I contacted the manufacturer who informed me even tho' the kit is sold here, there was no Thai distributor but Singapore was the closest. I think serious audiophiles would purchase their equipment and import. I imported from the US, the import duty was lower than purchasing from SG or BKK. There was a hi-fi shop in my local big C, he had second hand gear from Japan, but the price was silly for really outdated tech. idk about anyone else, but if im going to spend anything over 500B, I dont want something with chips, dust and scratches on. There are warehouses in BKK, but the gear isn't cared for, its just pulled from a container and left on the floor. For my listening rig in the man cave I ended up with a pair of Andrew Jones Elac speakers, then I struggled to find a decent priced amp. Living here, you need a simple solution, big boxes on shelves and loads of cables all collect dust, and sometimes fail. I so wish I had bought a pair of integrated speakers as you did, I encourage the OP to do the same, the end result will be the same.
  8. What was the guy thinking? He thought that the police had a similar purpose to those in a western country. I had trouble with my next-door neighbour, I have reasons to suspect at the start of the problem he went to the tessaban and dropped a few baht to take his side. Then the issue continued and he threatened me (he’s a bit of a nasty guy, he’s a loan shark, he’s already in league with the headman offering his financial assistance) we went to the police, not to report him but to just say, look if you have a problem, speak with my solicitor because we don’t want to deal with you / the issue. The police offered to sort the problem, up to me how much I could / would donate. It always crossed my mind that the police are just “guns for hire” once you start down the path of offering money to do their job then someone can just offers more cash than me and then you are the target.
  9. No, I don't have time to sit around - The wife and I have to be on-site, babysitting the construction crew, we are just dreaming of moving in next month and just doing nothing but watching videos. I am really struggling this year, it seems that it is exceptionally hot, but I think I just forget from year to year.
  10. @GammaGlobulin I think polished concrete looks great - the wife doesn't. My original idea was to have a polished concrete floor, in our new build, I contacted a member here who had got some local village builders to do his, and it looked great. We looked around for quotes, the place we are building is 200m sq, we have about 80m sq of open plan and we had issues - the guys who can do a perfect job tend to work in commercial, and they can get easy money doing large areas such as DIY superstores and garages. They have the space to use those propellor floats, and cover large areas = more money/day. A couple of renderers told us they could do it, but tilers who could also do it (by hand) warned about the cost of the epoxy. I'm told that a really bad polish looks really bad .. the epoxy is expensive, liable to hairline cracks, wear with office chairs and needs yearly care. In end we found a nice cheap porcelain tile that has a concrete look to it and im really happy, we are at 50% completion. We have pretty pricey cotton tiles in the bathroom, the same color, I think that if I were using cotton throughout then I might look to microcrete or something similar, but the house tiles were peanuts. I am also told that areas of concrete aren't aesthetically pleasing, as they have no breaks for the eye. I would beg to differ. I still have the dream. We still have a garage / workshop / store room to complete, 65m sq and had quotes of 20K THB labour plus materials, in comparison my tiler gave me a quote for 5K labour + materials - the cement would be roughly the same, but added the price epoxy needs to go on top. I'm told that epoxy goes cloudy in strong sunlight so you need to use some kind of other paint (we would use grey). Im always interested to hear others experience - I can't work it out because when you visit old village houses they all have floated concrete floors or painted with some kind of red rust paint, it should be cheap as chips and everyone should be able to do it.
  11. I was just reading through the comments shaking my head. Yes, some girls are available - I found my wife when she was working in the Emporium. A lot of her friends, all the same, 20-somethings, all had boyfriends / tom boyfriends who would come and pick them up at closing time, or they had lazy husbands and kids in the villages. Just because a shop assistant smiles and giggles, it doesnt mean that they are single and up to date a foreigner - that being said, if you Thai is good, you look good, then go for it.
  12. Thanks, and forget it .. the guy hasn't yet caught up with the digital age - Spend two mins clicking a renewal button on the email from Mister Prakhan, check that you are getting the correct excess, life insurance, etc included in the policy and then transfer from the bank or waste a trip to the nearest local vehicle testing place, then try and fathom if you are getting decent cover from a girl who sits there playing fb all day. I have only had to deal with M. Prakhan a couple of times, the customer sales reps are some of the best I have encountered in Thailand. I wanted to find a similar post, because these were the same kind of replies "it isn't costing you anything", "why are you so important" or inferring im trying to save a few baht - it's because I want to continue my business with Mr Prakhan and the insurance company because of good service. The insurance company already know the state of the car, they repaired it 9 months ago. lol .. that's exactly what the wife said. Understandably, the first thing they do is schedule a visit to take pictures of the car.
  13. The car is two years and a few days - I don’t need to go to the vehicle inspection place. Government licensing dept? 200B? Extra 50B? What are you talking about. I’m talking about a visit from the insurance company “rep”. Another topic detailed .. the answer was the first, not normal when continuing the policy, but crack on.
  14. @brianthainess @steve187 On the top of the quote there was a big red banner “No inspection necessary” As you ask, we just finished tiling our living area on our site. We were on-site, busy covering the tiles before the anyone else can walk on them. We got a call at 9:00, saying they would be here at 10:00, the girl arrived at 10:30, wasted half an hour wanting the truck out of the car port, the bonnet open, walk around, completed a form, wouldn’t let us go until it was signed and left after 11:00 - thanks, the morning wasted for myself, wife and workers. What are you talking about? Using an inspection place to do your insurance? Saving a few baht?
  15. Cheers, I might drop them a line - not that it will do any good.
  16. I remember a similar thread a while ago. Our truck is two days over 3 years, insurance (Navakit) through what used to be Mister Prakhan. I was really happy with mister P and when I scraped the front wing down a concrete post, Navakit and Toyota did a good job. Due to this, and the lowest quote - I repeated the purchase. Yet, again Navakit want to to come and see the truck. As they did last year. Last year, her comment was “the same as the day you bought it” and this year nothing has changed. Now my wife tells me, the girl just takes photos - just a girl with a cellphone, not an agent or connected to the company at all. Is this normal for every company? Even if repeat business? Every year?
  17. I struggled with this for years. You just have to be persistent, do you have a sizable chunk of change in one account? This can help I wanted a savings account with no atm, and an everyday account which I used for online shopping, etc. - I wanted to use the same bank, just using one banking app, etc. The branches told me it was against company policy, that it was bank of Thailand rules, etc for many year. The whole concept was lost on the bank managers, in the end I got a call center supervisor to appreciate my needs, she made a call to a manager and I got two accounts. I’m with Kasikorn. Good luck!
  18. That seems way below a price for a decent pair of glasses. I had a test at RAM hospital, they quoted 1000B and I think I paid around 700B for the test. The optometrist spoke perfect English. I have been using the same repeat prescription for years and was really happy with the test, she gave lots of feedback and there was a dispensing optician present who tried to sell me some overpriced lenses. If the optometrist didn’t speak English, why not walk away? you could pay and go get a second opinion at another hospital - eye health is important and there are plenty of professionals who can speak English.
  19. They don't liase, immigration just enforce. We don't know what will be required in the future and how this will be enforced, just replying to the poster who thinks (sorry cant think of the actual usage) that immigration won't be enforcing RD's policy. It's interesting to know that the RD can flag a passport via the immigration system. ETS: Also, I would point out that our local immigration was a law until themselves, they created different procedures to other provinces and the tax receipt was only enforced this for a couple of years before losing interest.
  20. Not true. Our local immigration, for a time, insisted upon seeing a tax receipt before issuing subsequent non-b visa extensions at the same school. They also wish to see a teachers permit / waiver and also a work permit even though the immigration service is not connected with the Labour office or teachers council. They can be an effective way of enforcing the law (they also can be an easy agency to navigate around) In my understanding, immigration had no interest in the amount on the tax receipt but they did want to see one. As this is Thailand, the law wasn’t always enforced, teachers from certain schools didn’t need to include a receipt and if you were applying for an extension for a new school, even though you were known to them previously there was no need to show proof of payment.
  21. A new couple of “new” Nordic series - s04 of wisting seems pretty polished with an orchestral soundtrack and a s03 of deadwind Currently watching Tokyo vice which is pretty cool and bodies from a while back
  22. Legalizing gambling could have a positive effect on the Thai people - it might force some social issues to be dealt with in a different manner, but I don’t see village card games and hi-lo stopping because an extravagant casino opens in the next province. Sansiri casinos? inevitably it will be be an opportunity for big investment, maybe the Chinese as in Laos - while nothing changes for the average Joe. Would be great to see another revenue stream for the police to be cut off.
  23. https://www.belaws.com/thailand/reduce-alcohol-taxes/ i read this with interest the other day.
  24. Marmite - Food of the devil I could think of nothing worse than putting it on ham or cheese - each to his own, I realize it's one of the most divisive foods on the planet, ;D
  25. Why does he not just order the local government employees who are paid to do it, to go out and clear the waterways? maybe oversee an audit to determine that all the money that is assigned to infrastructure projects is spent on the projects. I wonder how long his term as a volunteer lasted?
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