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Everything posted by recom273

  1. Currently watching @Jingthing recommendation Griselda - worth a look if you enjoy South American drug stories
  2. I sometimes feel that companies in this country are its worst enemy. The other day I needed to send a subwoofer back to the service center - the importer / agent is Powerbuy - I called Powerbuy and I / my wife couldn't get it across to them that we couldn't carry a 18kg subwoofer in a box 70cm cube through central festival. After a few days of back and forth we got to discover they had a collection service - however, it was just two employees who turned up in a Nissan March. The guy called and said he was leaving the shop and we were to pay 300B x2 trips, we had to pay 500B for the technicians in BKK to open the box and check it - all of which I was delighted to pay, the employee gave an account number, which we then discovered was his personal account. The guys showed up and took the speaker, I asked my wife for the service receipt, nothing was offered, they just took the speaker. I can't think of the specifics, but there are a few times where I have had to pay employees personal accounts and presumably they forwarded the payment to the company, I have no reason to assume otherwise as receipts were always provided - but it does happen quite frequently. I assume in this instance the email is warning us of a scam call centre rather than rogue employee, but true occurrences like this are quite frequent.
  3. Yes, I have a 3BB supplied GPON ONT running for many years, the Huawei model numbers seem to be different, but they still do the same thing, maybe the same inner workings. @Mutt Daeng Is your setup still functioning?
  4. I think you have the answer here. I was a non-degree teacher for some time, I knew many others in the same situation and the problem wasn't getting a job, it wasn't the authenticity of a degree, the provincial labour office were never a problem, I even had a work permits. The issue was with immigration who wouldn't issue the one year extension without the collection of correct paperwork from various sources. The system used to be self policing, without a visa, how can you stay?
  5. You can contact Ubiquity Thailand 02 114 7275 to check if it's possible. I haven't seen them for sale here, have you? I don't actually see much benefit - they aren't unifi, so im guessing the don't appear on the conroller dashboard. I can monitor my 3BB ONT (same model as @Mutt Daeng details above, on my own home dashboard.
  6. Yes, for sure - agreed .. I know two people who still use old photocopied certificates (one from SA, one from UK), they say that their universities don't exist any longer, they have become part of other universities or other excuses and immigration and their employer, a university still believe them (I think working in a Thai uni is has different rules to a Thai school, right?) The OP is asking if certificates are checked, and the answer is generally no - you obviously wanted the job in China and wanted to supply all the necessary paperwork to get the job, so you went the extra to get the job, but a lot of schools still don't ask too many questions, they just want the teachers. Anyway, If you take a look at the OP posting history they admit they don't have a degree in another post, so the question should be "will I get caught as a non-degree teacher on the blag"
  7. There is no TEFL governing body, so accredited TEFL courses are a bit of a misnomer, some are accredited by some schools or organizations. If you look closely, you often find that these organizations are connected to the school that's offering the certification. So, no they dont check the accreditation - however, as mentioned, you dont need a TEFL certificate to teach - teachers who worked at my agency were asked to provide TEFL certificates by the labour office, most just did a $20 course online, smashed out in a day to keep everyone sweet. It doesnt stop people from studying a well respected TEFL course, but even then just because you pay good money, doesnt mean its a good course. Degrees - Not really checked, because imho, who from Thailand is going to make a call to a university to check. I was told by a school manager, that they could tell who had a fake degree by touching the quality of the paper, they would know and wouldn't care, at that time, they just needed to see a degree. I think that in this day and age of data protection and privacy the person who picks up the phone won't be able to confirm or deny. However, it's not as simple as that, you will need a teachers license, to receive a waiver, I think you must provide sealed university transcripts. Anyone can provide a fake degree certificate, you can make them yourself, but to provide authentic looking transcripts is impossible. No one is going to check you paperwork, but if you cant provide the right papers, then immigration isn't going to grant you an extension of stay, therefore there is no need to check degrees, the system is self policing. Things are a little different for older teachers who may find it difficult to provide papers other than a dog-eared photocopy of their degree certificate, but it think these guys are gradually fading away. Fresh graduates should be able to provide the correct papers.
  8. Because you seem to be having difficulties - you mentioned getting your girl to talk the dealer around. I find it easier to do this, there are no misinformation such as "you need a work permit to buy a bike here" - I don't advocate keeping the bike in your wifes / girlfriends name, just let her buy it and just transfer the name at a later date, its standard procedure at DLT, you don't need to deal with clueless salesmen, everything is fast, you walk-in, get it on order, pay and done - no time wasted on Internet forums asking the details.
  9. Just buy it in her name and then change the name to yours at a later date at DLT with a certificate of residence.
  10. Exactly what I would have done, said, "certainly, that's no problem - but you understand that it's a livestream" watch them scuttle off, then just upload the video anyway.
  11. This was my first thought, by acting as he did Dr. K was playing right into their hands - but, apparently it didnt appear on Weibo or any other of the Chinese social media sites.
  12. Absolutely, he should not bow down to bullying - but living in Asia, do we not understand different ways of dealing with situations than direct confrontation? The media outlets that seemed to have picked up the story are a bit predictable .. TalkTV, Daily Mail, Fox News.
  13. I was watching the livestream as it happened - I like boogie woogie, I thought Dr. K was good to begin with, but his playing and content is pretty boring after a while. I agree, he just played the part of an obnoxious Brit (im British myself) - why not just tell them, "yes, of course I will delete your images on a livestream, ok, yes, no problem" and let them walk away - no need to provoke the Chinese, who may be visitors to the country. If it was Thailand, Dr. K would just smile, say yes and then upload, making some excuse how it wasn't possible. I was watching an episode of Panorama, "Is China watching you?" one girl comes from the same group as mentioned in the program, one that harasses Hong Kong dissidents - so there is a little more to this, they weren't just average Joe tourists in the background enjoying the spring vacation holiday like they claim. There was also a Japanese film crew there, filming British station pianos. There are too many random occourences, I dont believe this is setup, but everyone is milking it. The media circus that has been following this - like c'mon, the guy has been on TalkTV, Piers Morgan and Fox News - what an embarrassment - no such thing as bad publicity, right, this guy makes a living from YouTube views, as long as he keeps dragging this out, he's quids in. While I agree that he's well within his rights to perform and film, the Chinese have no rights to request he delete footage, but he should respect their right to ask without appearing as a sarcastic British <deleted> and the rail management should just remove the security guards from Elton Johns piano - it hasn't stopped anything, he has just moved to another station with his predictable playing.
  14. Have you seen Talley's frozen peas, sweetcorn and mixed veg in the freezer section - the best around. I'm a fan of Farm-Frites, but my Makro stopped selling my favorite, the big square ones. Anyone else?
  15. What? I am agreeing with you. I taught in Thailand for over 15 years, I worked in two Mathayom schools and they both had foreign language programs which included French and Korean alongside compulsory English, but I have never taught in Issan. After moving to Issan, a friends kid told me he has a western French teacher at his school in Khon Kaen city. —- I also can’t agree with the poster who talks about agencies in a bad way. I worked for both agencies and directly with schools, the best jobs were with agencies - generally we only taught the classes we were scheduled to teach, we did “some” activity days and ceremonies whereas direct hire schools would demand more work, the teachers had to be in school at all times, unpaid weekend activity camp every term, a weekly assembly performance. Wages were the same. I would rather work for an agency with a few schools on their books.
  16. Meaning, I have taught in Thai government Mathayom schools that have run French programs, but although I live in Issan, have never worked here .. You also mentioned German too, which I agree with - Many posters think that English and Chinese are the only foreign languages that are taught here. I think we are on the same page.
  17. I have a couple of 8 drive PCIe card labelled LSI and Dell, they don't make them any longer and you can pay a lot for an second hand original - They can be flashed into IT mode, the same as the original cards can. I think most home server guys run these counterfeit cards. They haven't let me down yet. As you say, these days. components can be manufactured the same or as near to the original for a fraction of the price of a used card. Would I use conterfeit RAM? probably not.
  18. Not in Issan, but I have taught in two government Mathayom schools that reasons beyond me have run French courses. the teachers were Thai. The teachers all had a good ability having studied in France for some time, they would talk with the French English teachers :D I know of one native French teacher working in a Khon Kaen high school - most prestigious mathayom schools will have a couple of foreign language classes other than English, for example French, German, Korean or Chinese. Not saying there are lots of jobs from French native speakers, but they do exist.
  19. https://puie.ac/overview/ I believe he's talking about this guy, he started the course at Thongsook, then moved to Siam Tec ..
  20. Could you demonstrate which type of video file is capable of carrying a virus? I download files via torrent because I value my 1) privacy and the 2) quality - the illegal streaming services that are mentioned here are loaded with trackers. Nothing in this world is free, servers and bandwidth cost money - you are not watching the same file as those who download, its reencoded to use less bandwidth - if you are happy to log onto these services (a lot are run by Russian or Chinese organizations) then that's great, if you want a lower quality picture or sound, then no problem but for me, there are the reasons. I like having the choice of audio and video quality, I dont know anything about steamio / deadbrid / koi plug-in / etc .. the files are the same files as downloaded on torrent, they just use the community bandwidth to stream, it seems a great way to view, but doesnt really contribute to a community.
  21. I think you got to start somewhere, 1/4 mile isnt so big. My main concern would actually catching someone, then what happens? There seems to be a reluctance of anyone to do anything further (like village headman or police). Put some solar floodlights ontop of the pole along with your cameras further down, and some motion sensors and see what happens. The optimal distance for a post mounted CCTV camera is 2.5m off the ground .. maybe enclose the whole thing in a metal box. They have traffic cameras around my way in metal boxes and the locals way with dealing with it is to take the post, box and camera for a walk, the experiment is never to be tried again. Hope you have an idea on how to get the footage from the sd card every day. I have a dash cam with sd card and I thought to download the footage of a python crossing the road, it was going to take hours to download direct to my phone, that's my only experience with a wifi camera. Hope you get everything sorted.
  22. What will you do with the footage? Recording to a SD card may be a bit fruitless, wouldn't the thieves just take the cameras? With solar panels you are advertising their location. Im currently playin with off-grid long range PIR sensors. I would rather know when thieves are entering the property and use the sensors to trip floodlights. For me, I want a would-be thief to see the number of cameras as a deterrent, the PIR sensors are just for fun, I hope I never catch anyone, it would be on the same system as my greenhouse monitor system. What kind of distance is the farm, how far away are the ponds / scene of crime.
  23. They are all on TVC.
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