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Everything posted by recom273

  1. It was reported previously he has health issues, no cash to pay for them here. Friends persuaded him to return to the UK, not knowing about his previous life. He’d had a good run here, might aswell face the music at home, imagine being imprisoned here with the torture of being woken ever 30 mins for a head count here or whatever they do, 100 bodies in one cell with mats on the floor to sleep on, living on a diet of fish heads and rice.
  2. I like this company, they are in Hong Kong, I think the CEO is a Brit. https://www.gl-inet.com They are very knowlegable, and are always happy to chat and guide. I already own one of their products but was thinking of incorporating a Spitz 750, into my system. The router isn’t especially cheap but If I ever lost connection from my ISP then my connection would automatically fallback to the sim router, loss of connection for me incurs a fine, so paying out for a decent router with carrier aggregation will pay for itself as power and internet outages are common out my way. Some of the products can be purchased in Thailand, but buying directly is very reliable.
  3. the wife was saying something about this the other week - apparently they shouldn’t have the money to spend now, but should someone give them money, for example if they gave good advice, to make merit directly to the monk or the correct lottery numbers then they can amass that for a time when they leave the clergy. Seems a bit skewed to me, religion is a business in a lot of places in the world.
  4. Thailand doesn’t appear to be legalizing gambling, it’s allowing the construction of large scale resort casinos. The people I know who gamble, do it every day, they won’t go to a casino, they play rummy or hi-lo in peoples houses. They could go to poipet or over the river from mukdahan, if they wanted to gamble. This wont affect the majority of local gamblers.
  5. Nope - I don’t clear my after every session. this happened months ago, after the site had some downtime, so I thought nothing of it. I just presumed everyone had the same issues. I just had a look at the safari settings, maybe this screenshot may help.
  6. Every time I click on a newsletter or email on my smartphone, I need to log in, even tho I check “remember me” .. doesn’t work. Is this just me? There are no recent topics at the bottom of the page, as mentioned in another topic. These two are the most important featues - posting on the fly and surfing the site, pretty important to a site that depends upon activity and generates income from ads.
  7. I thought the footage of Big Joke was pretty revealing. When he visited Germany, spoke to the reporter for the final time - it came across as, I spoke with the accused, I mentioned to him that without the correct info he would never be allowed to enter Thailand again, he said, there was some mistake, he didnt pay the bribe to the police .. ok, na, finished. He's no different than the rest.
  8. Not too sure if it’s dual pricing based upon language selected - but there is appears to be jiggery pokery on all these sites regarding ip addy logging Sometimes on certain sites they make it clear, it’s a one time discount, if change page and compare prices you lose the special offer. I always get suggested items on aliexpress, the price is cheap on the email and when I click the link it is slightly higher than expected.
  9. From what I have read, a lot of folks arrive with the preconception that they are going to get scammed. It starts at the airport, continues on their first day with the tuktuk scam (imho this is not a scam, I did it on my first day - it’s a battle of willpower), the grand temple scam, the western prices at a restaurant (idk, just saying) and then bill padding in a bar. I don’t know about the young guy or bar owner, but in some peoples eyes, Thailand has been the hub of scams for many years.
  10. Not exclusive to Thailand - London cabbies have been known to drive around for a while bumping up the fare before dropping first time visitors to their hotels.
  11. I was just thinking how worthless my AirTags are. I bought 4. They are good at home when you need to find your keys in a hurry. My wife lost one from its silicone holder in the local market - I live in the sticks. Locals prefer android, so I couldn't triangulate the airtag. After walking around the market I got a faint hit on my phone, I got to about 5 meters, when we asked about to retrieve it, the stall holders didnt understand / didnt want to understand or didnt want to give it up. Maybe someone wanted the cool silver apple logo. Would I use them to secure an item of value? I had a mate who lost his macbook from his backpack, he located it using 'find my' - I dont remember how he tracked down the address, but he knocked on the door, the house owner denied all knowledge. He returned with the police, even after he demonstrated how the app works, the police could do nothing.
  12. 5 times a month? All metro areas have own police force, the tessakit, they must walk past the Cambodian beggars on Suk 5 times a day and do nothing.
  13. I took a gamble and watched The First Omen - worth a look, if you are a fan of the Omen movies. This is a prequel to Omen I.
  14. The reason I clicked on the title is because I just came back from my building site, so this is a general observation - I spend a lot of time lifting the drill to level it when my Thai workers are drilling, they struggle to understand that they should be drilling at 90 degrees to the wall, otherwise when you put in the raw plug it does off at an angle and the thing you are trying to screw to the wall, goes off level. You cant use a drill .. neither can a lot of Thai workmen.
  15. Does anyone really turn around like that and smack someone in the face without provocation? I think I might do that, but only after I have really had enough of someone - as per normal, maybe this is just a culmination of the manager being a prick over a period of time. You can see him prodding the guy when he's clearly talking to the security guard, looks like he's getting a telephone number as he has his phone in his hand? idk .. just saying, there is usually more to these than a 15 second video clip.
  16. And two weeks before you arrived it was the Swiss. Now its the British. A nation doesnt produce the characteristics of a person, everyone is different. We all know the old one about selfish Germans, I have never met a German who set their alarm for sunrise to run down to the pool to put a towel on the sunloungers. Next week it will be someone else's turn, it will be the Russians in Phuket opening businesses, it will be some Danish guy for some reason or maybe the turn Americans renting a luxury villa and loud motorbikes .. I find it easier to just avoid joining the local pastime of racial labelling.
  17. Thanks, I stand corrected - tmdb seems to now changed their categorization to returning series. I thought Colin Farrell was good, and I liked the edits and his narration, it reminded me of a George Pelliecanos book, but the concept of his group (sorry, trying to be purposely vague as to not spoil) was just too far fetched.
  18. Sorry to disappoint, It was a one-off mini series. I thought it was a good detective story, with the old cinematic clip edits - until he .. at the end of e06 then I lost interest. If it’s a sci-fi mystery then I’m more into Outer Range which I feel has a The leftovers vibe although just half way through the first season.
  19. It runs Android OS - not too sure if it's a straight up android or if it has restrictions, does it have google play store? If you want to get overseas content then you might want to buy a sub for a vpn, they can be more reliable than a free one from wherever, they will have an app to use the vpn and then download the tv stations own app. If you want to view YouTube, ad-free then use a VPN to select a country that doesnt allow monetization https://isthischannelmonetized.com/youtube-monetization-countries-list/ Yup, smart TVs collect data from your viewing habits and send them back to the manufacturer, who then sells them on to interested parties. It's called automatic content recognition. It's not just smart TV's - the android boxes collect data, apps, services that provide video content and media players all do the same.
  20. yes, trakt.tv will do that for you. I have it sync'd to my media server, so if I download and watch something at home, it adds the tv / movie to my profile and suggests movies. I also use a thing called mdblist.com which I think syncs with trakt, this sends instructions to my media server to download video, I have it set to download the top 10 on Netflix or amazon. You can set up mdblist and use it manually - or maybe just get an rss feed from it.
  21. He likes to promise and promote an idea, but there don't seem to be any results.
  22. Tizen OS is difficult, you might find a lack of apps. If you go to settings and network, you could enter the home wifi credentials. I have a samsung Tizen TV, i dont use any apps on the TV, its really slow. It has an AIS app which allows the wife to watch all the Thai channels, but it's really laggy. Samsung won't help you, just get the Android box GUI up and use the scan function to find the input, which you already have by the sounds of things and then forget the Tizen function. Focus on your true box, add YouTube, the Thai channels should be there on the true app, what else do you want to do? Do you have a VPN and want BBC iplayer?
  23. Binged (for me) over a few nights on @giddyup suggestion Under the bridge, a pretty interesting show focusing on the events around the murder of a Canadian school girl, based upon a true story. Cheers for the suggestion. Just started Sugar Some returning shows in the next couple months - BBCs The Outlaws on 31st May, The Boys on 13th June and Stuff the British stole later in June - Australian documentary series about all the good stuff we stole during the empire days and mostly never gave back.
  24. This guy is awesome http://www.machomeservice.com You put emphasis on speaking directly with the tech, there is only one tech, the owner. He can speak a little English - but speaks clear Thai that you understand. He isnt afraid to give you a ball park quote (on the phone or LINE) which saves you a bit of time when you are shopping around. I have always had good luck with my apple computers, but have used him for the past 15 years when things go wrong. Well recommend.
  25. I use a Huion tablet 1060 plus - I didn’t have the use or the money for a Wacom and this came recommended, I’m happy with it, have had it for 5 years. Sometimes the drivers need reinstalling but it’s ok for the money.
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