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Everything posted by Tropicalevo

  1. Simple solution - it belongs to the country with the most submarines.
  2. Any left-over rain would be greatly appreciated down here on Koh Samui.
  3. Rubbish. You have no way of knowing that. I have had some serious issues with dope heads during the last couple of years and I am not a violent or aggressive man. I have never hit anyone and I have never smoked dope. But I do have a drink now and again.
  4. From the story The still is from the fist incident. They were masked the second time.
  5. When I was working in Cambodia, they drove on any side and down the middle. mostly to avoid the potholes.
  6. That is about the dumbest excuse ever for recreational cannabis. Who else would you pardon? Rapists, drunk drivers? Illegal immigrants?
  7. Why is that convicted criminal allowed to say anything? He should have been banned from politics for the drug smuggling. Go back to feeding the followers their bananas. https://thainewsroom.com/2022/09/13/prawit-thammanat-face-ban-from-politics-over-banana-feeding-scandal/
  8. The freezing of bank accounts is not covered by ordinary laws. Back in the UK, NatWest froze one of my accounts. The Americans were involved. They told Nat West to freeze it. I was guilty (of what, I do not know) and I had to prove my innocence. ie was the money legit. It took about four months for me to get my money. That was a tad inconvenient as it was my salary that was paid into that account. This was about 24 years ago and I was working in Thailand at the time and some money came from here. In submitting the paperwork to prove my innocence, some of it was in Thai. They said that I had to get official translations. I sent them a Thai/English dictionary. They released my money.
  9. It was an online poll. Lots of poor folk are not online! Not so strange if the poll is aimed at rich people with more time on their hands. Does anyone have faith in the Thai polls anyway?
  10. But no mention from the UN for Hamas to stop the genocide of Jews. Oh, is that because there are 56 Muslim members at the UN but only one Jewish one?
  11. Great news thank you George. So, more flights (and I live directly under the outgoing flight path when the wind blows from the north). The new Ferry terminal down south. The new bridge to the mainland. Better order more water trucks chaps. Oh. I nearly forgot. That probably means that we can forget the 22:00 to 06:00 quiet time.
  12. It's not rape if both parties and the parents of the 16 year old consent. And the common crime would be her taking a 'child' from it's parents against their will. Not rape.
  13. And that is one of the problems. Many folk (rich and poor) buy a cute little puppy as a pet. They usually cost next to nothing to 'run' Not much food etc. BUT when they grow, suddenly running costs increase and then we have the issues of folk not knowing how to train or look after a bigger dog. Next, another soi dog. I had a large German Shepherd (45 kilos) for a number of years. Many Thais were interested in him - he was very well trained (ex military). I would tell the Thais that they could keep him if they wanted to. All that they had to do was to feed him two large, cooked chickens every day. Suddenly, no one wanted him. Ah well. He was a great guard dog.
  14. Please do not feign ignorance. Hamas is committing genocide against all Jews. (As per all definitions of genocide). Israel is defending that genocide by attacking Hamas - a terrorist organisation. Hamas chooses to hide behind citizens in Gaza leaving Israel no options. It must, and hopefully will, wipe out Hamas in order to stop the genocide.
  15. Just to help you with your no comments on being anti Hamas genocide - Hamas has, is and will continue to commit genocide. Israel is defending against that because the woke western world will not. or
  16. First check list is Big hands Big feet Larger calves Adams apple None of these are definite, just a hint. Main one that I recommend - a very sexy walk. The guys practice that one. Most girls do not. Other signs are the effeminate waving of hands (Italian style) and limp wrists. Enjoy your holiday.
  17. Two standard responses when there is a problem with education here in Thailand. 1 Lower the standards = more passes 2 More money please. As an aside, are the kids using phones or tablets/computers? And no one investigates 'learning skills'. ie what is the best method for each of us to absorb and retain information. We are all different. My personal method is to write things down. I do not retain information by just reading or listening.
  18. I thought of that on but then I remembered ..... A drover is someone whose job is to make sheep or cattle (or horses) move from one place to another in groups.
  19. One drives a car but rides a bike. ie one sits on the bike. I have never heard anyone say that they drive their bike.
  20. It is easy to say that arresting illegal workers is a good thing, but..... this is all down to the factory owners. These folk probably thought that they were working legally. Some will be the main breadwinner for their families. Lives shot to hell and back.
  21. June 18th could become a new 'Democracy Day'
  22. Well done Kh Panipat. A good example to the majority of security guards that we see sleeping in their huts.
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