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Everything posted by Tropicalevo

  1. Dear Mr PM/Finance Minister Please stop giving tax payers money away on dodgy projects. Help people to work for a living. (Clue - more workers pay more taxes.)
  2. Location and context. KPN is a small rural island in the Gulf. Still very 60/70's at times. (especially all of the drugs.)
  3. The Russian has pleaded guilty. That suggests 'her side of the story'. (She blamed her hormones.)
  4. Strange comments. If you live in Bangkok (or any other city) as your moniker suggests, then keeping shoes on in shops is normal. Bangkok is not Thailand. I was talking about Thailand where I have found shoe removal is the norm. Even in our local immigration office until recently. This incident happened on a small rural island. Not in a city. 'Open season on white skin people'? That is only a complaint from foreigners regarding the bad press that some white skinned people are creating. Let's see. Swiss kicking a doctor Kiwis beating up a policeman Russian kicking a pregnant lady etc etc I suggest that it is open season on entitled idiots who happen to have white skin.
  5. This PM thinks that he is Father Christmas - throwing money everywhere.
  6. Good idea. Dig a pit. Put food in the bottom. When the monkeys come to eat it - pour in concrete.
  7. Because we are all reading in English language papers. Thai language papers will have more on Thai naughty folk. Bad news sells. Good news doesn't.
  8. Assume makes and ASS out of U and ME How do you know that it hasn't? Have you checked the police sites? Have you checked the victim's Fakebook and other social media sites?
  9. The CCTV footage has been presented to the police. Not to AN readers. From the article in The Thaiger
  10. Removing footwear is the norm in Thailand. Far from stupid - I think that it is a great idea. Beats walking dirt, dog poo, whatever all over the place. Maybe the lady lives in a shophouse? We do not know. It could also be her home. The victim is the owner of the shop. Forget your western approach of 'it's the law'. No work - no dosh.
  11. Thanks - useful info, and we do have varying volts (or whatever) on our electric supply. Lots of quick off/on outages. UPS keeps the desktop on though.
  12. I wonder how unhappy Yospol is when he reads that his mate received 300,000 baht for the job, whilst Yospol only receive 10,000 baht.
  13. The area where I live is infested with termites. Even though we sprayed the land before we built, they continually reappear. Over the 20 or so years that we have lived here, we have tried many different local companies. After year two/three, they disappeared with our annual fee. The current one that we use (Ecopest) have been brilliant. We have been using them for about 12 years. Not the cheapest but by far the most professional. They come every month and spray (a must for termites) and even come on request if there is a new problem.
  14. But a photo of you there is nor proof that you live there. You could be just walking by. I suspect that these are not new rules, just tightening up of old, out of date ones.
  15. It's probably the same paid protesters that the military use in every action again Thaksin.
  16. I cannot see why the head of this group is even involved. What victims? Maybe just another gofer being paid to twist the knife in BJ's back?
  17. But that would just raise inflation and unemployment.
  18. Let's put this in perspective. Gen Torsak only just pipped Big Joke to get the top job. it was neck and neck as who would be top dog. BJ will always be a threat to him. Ergo - remove the threat. The fact that Gen Torsak has had to come out and say that there is no stitch up, well.......
  19. They were arrested in Thailand because they had the wrong visas. Thailand was going to deport them to Russia.
  20. https://www.frommers.com/tips/hotel-news/are-hotel-room-safes-safe-the-surprising-truth-behind-online-fears There is always a risk with hotel safes but they are better than nothing.
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