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Everything posted by Surasak

  1. Unfortunately, that would involve diverting money away from his personal ventures, and that would never do!
  2. "According to the attached link, more than 61,000 people died from heat-related causes in Europe alone, in 2022." Not surprising when most of the 'heat' related causes were due to the lack of gas to heat the houses. That was about the time Gazprom collapsed I believe?
  3. Well, you didn't answer the question as to how you would know I didn't read the article. Or was that just an assumption? Which would let you off the hook.
  4. If extreme CO2 is the cause of the temperatures rising, why are the not more trees and plants which thrive on CO2? Also, if CO2 is the problem, why is the global population increasing, when high concentrations of CO2 would be deadly to all animal life?
  5. As to electric cars, not at the price of a replacement battery thanks. Stop eating meat and we will be over run with cows, pigs, chicken and other edible animals. Cut down on the population and we may have a chance.
  6. You suggest I didn't read the item. How would you know I didn't? The article was a link to a 'news paper', how is that evidence? Most, if not all 'news papers' print what will sell, and global warming is all the rage at the present time. Thailand is experiencing high temperatures at present, as is much of S.E.A. Much of Europe is having extremes of hot and cold weather at this time, it is not unusual in both instances. The sun has had extremes of plasma ejections recently, could that not have an impact on the earths climate? And the main reason, if any sea level increases would be so much rubbish being dumped into it. Multi-million tons of rubbish displaces multi-million tons of water, or is that a fallacy? And as stated earlier, the Maldives are still there.
  7. USA rag where the smallest little upset is driven into a major problem. Now being extended to all other western countries.
  8. Not to worry. Mars will be set up and running to take the overflow in 30yrs.
  9. Where is the sea rising? I would find the answer very interesting, as where I used to live in the UK is a seaside town. The sea levels are the same at high and low tide as they were 70 years ago. A webcam shows the high and low water mark on the habour wall, and the only slight change is due to the phase of the moon. Webcams all along the promenade give the same 24h picture so, where is the sea rising? Oh, and the Maldives haven't sunk yet!
  10. There you go, you can learn something new every day.
  11. Brings to mind 'Knees up Mother Brown'. What a rotten song, what a rotten singer too. I gave it 30 seconds and that was too much. My dog howls along to music and sounds much better.
  12. The 2 main problems with obtaining a Pink ID card is to my mind, either ignorance of the process or 'We don't do that here'. Basically laziness and couldn't give a toss. I would guarantee no 2 Amphur's are the same when in comes to information foreigners require.
  13. I don't go into all these stocks. I bought shares when Maggie sold off the Gas, Phones and Electrics, so made quite a nice profit some years ago. Now, I just put spare cash into gold, and am doing quite well thanks.
  14. Modern forward looking change will not be tolerated by the aged dinosaurs who continue to live in the past.
  15. It would help if you were to THINK before typing, then perhaps people would understand what you are trying to convey.
  16. I wouldn't know, I don't go into 'most' shops.
  17. Say what you mean, don't just think it. We are not all Mr Spock
  18. Some shops do have contact card payment in Thailand, I was quite surprised the first time I saw it available, although it was a UNICLO shop.
  19. You are making a mistake by tarring 'OLD' people with the same brush. I happen to be 4 score years and counting, doesn't mean I am beyond learning. QR codes were a challenge, but I mastered it within a few goes, now its second nature. As to 'anything and everything new, I've seen many, many new things in my life time, and hope to see many more. I doubt you remember this?
  20. There is one major problem with these petitions. They are never debated in parliament, but in Westminster hall. A notice is posted of the date and time, then those who feel they have the time to attend, do so. The petition is put to a vote, but 9 times out of ten it is refused. Even in the rare event of a petition passing a vote, it then goes to the leader of the house. However, S/he is advised there are more pressing matters to attend to. It is then decided there is not enough parliamentary time and is quietly forgotten about.
  21. Which word in the Oxford English dictionary is spelt incorrectly?
  22. Wherever did you find the word 'gotton'? It is not in any English dictionary. It is even underlined in red to show it is a mistake.
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