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Everything posted by Surasak

  1. Who's side are you on? Or are you just avin a larf?
  2. My "Platforms" have worn so thin I had to throw them out!
  3. The government winnings should take care of that in a very short time,
  4. Very little chance of that, me thinks.
  5. I'll stay away from Bulgaria at that rate. No point asking for trouble?
  6. What is known as a 'Bit of a Lad', then? He is of course entitled to his opinion, but there are better ways of making said opinion known. Going to the extreme of violence is a fools errand, and achieves very little other than hate.
  7. Quite agree. but when the one who said yes, OK you can do that, then two years later says. 'I've had people knocking on my door asking where you are'. I knew it was a lie, but as a great distance separated us, what was I to do?
  8. The simple answer to that is NO. If the DWP know you have left the country after a pension upgrade, they will reduce it to the previous payment.
  9. That sounds very much like a post code lottery?
  10. Thats fighting talk where I come from. Just as well I don't come from there anymore!😏
  11. Love and kindness! Who are they?
  12. If it is, I am being short changed, as I paid in for 50 years, as did many others of my age.
  13. As far as I am aware, UK pensioners living in any European country get the full increases.
  14. You forget the one most important fact in your statement. TIT, even the thought of rocket science here is an illusion.
  15. Yes, it is cruel, but unfortunately has been like this for many, many years. The cost to the UK exchequer would be in the billions of ponds to upgrade those living outside Europe. Due to the spendthrift governments of all colours, to increase all pensions on a yearly basis would bankrupt the country.
  16. Someone with a big spoon having a stir, just to keep this to the forefront of everyone's mind. I can't say its annoying as I don't think about it that much. I will try to ensure I only bring in up to the limit and trust that keeps me tax free. However, until I get my first tax bill, like everyone else, I am trying to dodge the hook.
  17. I self insure. The premiums were going up at a rate of knots I couldn't keep up with. What I was paying in premiums 18 years ago, I put away for when it may be needed. I have had a couple of hospital visits, but they were for minor things, so just paid from my monthly expenses. If I don't have enough if it should come to something serious, so? We all have to go some time and I have had a good innings. Sh*t happens.
  18. With which company and how old are you?
  19. A case of foot and mouth perhaps?
  20. I can't say I hate Facebook as I have never used it. Is it possible they hate me for not using it?
  21. I rather like the outfit, I could laugh at it all day. However, I shall pin it to my dart board, and see if I can knock his eyes out in two shots.
  22. Pension rises, what pension rises! OH! Sorry you mean personal pensions of course?
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