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Everything posted by Surasak

  1. The water is safe to drink, as to the dispensers, I wouldn't mess with those if I were you.
  2. Is that a Boris bus?
  3. Try 20 fluid ounces.
  4. I can't see any problem with drinking. I was given to understand alcohol is a preservative!🙏
  5. IS that why it took 5 years to win?
  6. I read something similar last week, still waiting for it to rain.
  7. I have read a few things in my time, but that statement is total B*LL*CKS. Much as I appreciate you are entitled to your opinion, but please try to remember, so am I. Just as an aside, Who fired the first shot?
  8. Something the UK border force could learn from. It appears that arrival via rubber dinghy, means you can stay in a 4* and get paid for the duration.
  9. That depend on the country you come from? I am not sure which states have large cow herds, but the Lone Star come to mind.
  10. You do that. It will make change to get out into the countryside and breath some fresh air.
  11. Take a trip up to Chok Chai farm, North of Korat.. I have seen a few, but that is the biggest one I have seen. Forget all the Western cowboy stuff, that's just a way of making money. Ask to see the herd.
  12. There are dairy herds in Thailand, but they are not so prolific and certainly not Thai cows. Most of the dairy herds are imported from Australia, I believe.
  13. WhiteHall 1212 perhaps!!??
  14. My first question in this case is, Do you have that CC on file with a company/business that you do regular business with? I had a similar problem with debit card. Someone used my card details to order food via Deliveroo in London to the cost of B27K. I was credited with the lost amount, but it took 3 weeks. Once bitten twice shy. I don't lodge my card details with anyone now.
  15. As I wouldn't drink beer if it were free, your assumption is somewhat misplaced. Yes, there is a charge normally, for exchanging £ to THB, but, as I made clear in my previous post, I don't get charged for the exchange within the App. The only charge is the transfer of those BHT to the Thai Bank, which as stated, is between 45 and 49 THB each time. There is of course, a possibility I get privileged transactions, but if such is the case, I don't remember such an offer being made. Look up www.Revolut.com
  16. I have found the same with Shopee. I recently ordered 2 of one item @ B109 each, total B218 and free shipping. Go to pay and the total has now jumped to B256. The B38 is not a bank buster, its the principal. I put it down to their math being different to mine, or maybe a duff calculator?
  17. Is it so difficult for you to work out? The charge is for the transfer from the Thai Revolut to the K Bank. Have you got that now, wasn't too difficult was it?
  18. I use Revolut and have done for a few years now. I am allowed £1000.00 per month before transfer charges apply, which includes ATM withdrawals. Not a lot, but my circumstances mean I don't need more. I usually transfer the money from my UK bank to Revolut, no charge. I then transfer that to the Revolut Thai BHT A/C via the App, no charge, and then transfer the amount to my K bank A/C. The total cost is about 44/49 BHT. I also keep a reasonable amount on the card to pay for various things when out and about. As I am paying in Baht there are no other charges. The card has been refused on a couple of occasions, but then I have the K bank card. Cheep as chips as the saying goes.
  19. So, all the hotels may have a sign on the reception desk, "No Credit unless over 90, and accompanied by both parents".
  20. I would give it a go depending on the income and prospect!🤑
  21. To where do these 3900 radio stations broadcast within Thailand?. Other than 103FM I don't know of any others
  22. Playing dumb wont be so hard, I'm sure!
  23. Who gets "FREE TIME"? The house you live in, cost you. The food you eat, costs you. The vehicle you drive, costs you. Anything and everything costs one way or another, so just what is "FREE TIME"!?
  24. I have to assume you are referring to the 1940/50s police, because in my estimation the police farce has gone down hill at a great rate of knots since the 60s. Can't tar them all with the same brush admittedly, and I don't say they are corrupt, but there are some very bad apples in the barrel now.
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