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Everything posted by Surasak

  1. So, I'm all out of medals just now. If it worked, it worked. Good luck.
  2. Private Jones, 'They don't like it up em'.
  3. Its not just confined to beach resorts, most of if not all cities with taxis have the same problem. Can't tar them all with the same brush, but many try it on.
  4. I believe you should look closer at who charged the Bht200 fee. My understanding is, Thai banks do not charge for receiving money. Latter part of last year I had a dispute with my UK bank who claimed it was BKB who made the extra charge, until I proved them wrong with a written statement from BKB that they do not make a charge when receiving cask from abroad.
  5. Depends on the time of day both in Thailand and home country. I have received cash within minutes and over a couple of days. Friday is a no, no unless done before 08:30 am Thai time.
  6. You do need an address in your home country AND a telephone number. I use a relatives address and my own UK Skype number.
  7. Here is a way to benefit using Revolut in Thailand. I have just been to tops Supermarket 1 hour ago. The till read THB1309. I hand over my Revolut card and ask the till girl to take in Thai Baht. The Price I paid was THB1309. Also in Uniqlo, The cost of the items was THB950. Swipe the card on the reader and pay THB950. I also use the ATM of Kasikorn Bank and pay the THB220, which is standard with all banks. Transferring GBP to Kasikorn from the APP cost me THB 22.50 last time which was December 23. A transfer from my UK bank to Revolut is free, but there is a small charge for transferring GBP to Bath on the card via the APP. Hope this helps.
  8. I think this S/Korean guy did very well, 4 hours at the price he paid was a giveaway. 30 years ago I paid a taxi drive 1000Baht for a half day tour from BKK to Ayutthaya with my grand children. The service was 100%, even to the driver taking us around the site with a history lesson on some of the more interesting sites. What the hell is the Korean guy complaining about? Or, as I suspect, is he trying to make a name for himself back home?
  9. The name Enterprise reminds me of my last visit to the UK. Wanting all my ducks in a row, I contacted Enterprise via their website to make the hire, only to be informed that payment would be in Thai Baht. When I questioned as to why, it was due to my home address being in Thailand. I cancelled, as the exchange rate would have put an almost £100 on the deal. However, hiring at Heathrow I was not charged in Thai Baht although my Thai address was given. In both instances it was payment with a UK Debit card. Also, my Thai D/L was accepted without question and no IDP required.
  10. Whole heartedly agree with Cheryl's 'Measures that will help reduce or stop reflux include'. If I can add, keep a check on your diet and narrow down those foods which cause the reflux. It varies with from one person to another, but tomatoes, cucumber, apples and oranges, can be the cause. Even lean red meat and white bread can be a problem. Keep notes on all food you eat and then leave out the culprits.
  11. I opened a Shopee A/C 8/02/67 and placed 3 orders. My dog is begging food from our table because Shoppe can't be bothered to send the goods. I am still looking at an unopened bottle of rum because some clown thinks Strawberry Ribena is Blackcurrent. The 3rd order, who knows where it is, possible on its way to the moon for all I know. Whoever the retailers are, in my opinion they are about as much use as TITs on a fish and Shoppe can go take a hike.
  12. IF Putin does kick off, no matter where you are life will never be the same, IF life continues. The real point being, Just what the hell can any of us do? However, I do believe I am better off where I am initially, but then than may mean a slow death from the fall out, so which do you prefer???
  13. No, not just the police. Any government employee get all kind of perks when it comes to borrowing money. The government encourages debt to its employees. The last I read not so long ago, was that teachers were up to their necks in massive amounts of debt. One has to wonder why the baht is kept so artificially high, what government debt is that hiding?
  14. Absolutely true. I used to be perfect, but I'm much better now!😇
  15. Move right down the car please, there's plenty of room inside
  16. As this is a banking posting, can I add my experience of a visit to the tax office today. Minor details but it may be of interest to some? My intention was to inquire about the P.I.N. we are supposed to obtain, the result was... Provide a copy of your PINK CARD Copy of Passport Copy of Yellow Book Bank statements for 12 months 2023 A form was given, all in Thai. Don't ask. Return on or before 9th April and hand in these details. The lord only knows what is to follow, but my understanding was the Tax would only be required for 2024, payable early 2025. PDFs of the form attached TAX 1.pdf TAX 2.pdf
  17. Podiatrists are about as rare as hens teeth.
  18. The same arguments were put forward when the UK licensing laws were discussed, many years ago. For a few months it was like a free for all, but people realised being able to get a drink 24/7 relieved the pressure. Pubs used to open all day and all night for a while, then they got themselves organised on a rotation system. The 'R White's' system was also out the window and although there are still DUI cases, it is not so prevalent because of the penalties involved.
  19. Well I never. Whatever next?
  20. Only cause you can't reach!🫣
  21. I believe the S-I-L has things the wrong way round. I have very recently had a kidney specialist tell me not to eat red meat, but Fish and Chicken were OK. Also to drink plenty of water as this helps to flush the kidneys.
  22. Are you sure he isn't teen?😀
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