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Everything posted by Surasak

  1. Not claiming at all that people are no better than dogs, more the other way about. Most THAI people only keep a dog as an alarm, they have no idea of a dogs true worth. As said, look after a dog and the dog will look after you. But obviously your narrow minded view cannot grasp this fact. So, I have to assume, like most Thai's you are scared of dogs because you don't understand them.
  2. Not such a very nice thing to say about an animal that would lay down its life without hesitation, had you treated it as a friend and looked after it. But then, think also about your own first ten years of life? How do you think you would have developed without someone to train and care for you? Or did they!!!???
  3. One good reason for Thailand to team up with Denmark and Sweden to fight corruption. The more the Thai's learn, the easier it will be for them to cover it up!
  4. So would you be if not looked after properly and trained from an early age.☺️
  5. At your time of life, who knows? Could be all three!
  6. "secure" server. Would that be a trolley dolly?😀
  7. Ok. I can state quite categorically that the amount of tax you pay in the UK has no baring on the amount of tax you 'could' pay in Thailand. The amount of tax to pay in Thailand is calculated on the amount of Thai Baht you transfer each year to a Thai bank. There is also a very great possibility that if one is over 65 years of age, you may pay nothing. That of course would depend on the amount transferred.
  8. The super glue sounds good to me. If you starve the wart of air it will usually dry up and fall out. Knives or razors should be a real No No.
  9. Would you please clarify that statement. How much higher than 45% can the UK tax go?
  10. So keep everything to a minimum and confuse the hell out of the dumbo's.
  11. If you are over 65 yrs of age and ALL your income is taxed before receipt, you do NOT have to pay tax in Thailand. If you go to your local tax office to gain a tax ID PIN, you will be in the system and have to complete a tax return EVERY YEAR. If you don't have to, DON'T DO IT.
  12. If I am asked as to where my income comes from, they will be informed to contact the tax office, as that is their domain.The only thing immigration can possibly ask for is the 800/400K as proved in a bank, the rest of my income is none of their damned business.
  13. A very narrow minded view of how to fix the perceived problem.
  14. So why do you insist on taking her there? She doesn't like the place, you obviously don't like the place. I'll give you a tip for free, STAY AWAY!
  15. A total dereliction of duty. That to my mind is a CRIMINAL act.
  16. Try to alternate a bottle of beer with a bottle of water. The visits to the toilet will increase but so will the number of beers. What's not to like!?
  17. Sounds like a try at enhancing a little history?
  18. Lawyers/solicitors, I would agree. However, I believe you are being unfair to many Thai wives. I would definitely trust my wife's judgment, as opposed to many of the bar stool lawyers up and down the country.
  19. You do tend to run off at the mouth, George. I have to wonder just what is between your ears!
  20. Possibly the guy was thinking.... should I deck this berk.... Na, it ain't worth the bother!
  21. You may well be correct, but taring everyone with the same brush is not the way, or are you trying to cover your own rear end!?
  22. Well blow me down with a feather. A mouth with a spoon to stir. I could go on but you ain't worth the effort.
  23. When a policeman stops you and demands B200 because he can, how easy would it be to get him to do your bidding if a few thousand Baht was offered?
  24. Not forgetting the blue rinse Thai guy I saw yesterday!
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