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Everything posted by Surasak

  1. The language can be changed, but I cannot give details. My son did it but he had some difficulty for almost ten minutes, but got it in the end thank goodness,
  2. Planning? Where did that spring from? Disorganised chaos is the order of the day, and has been for many many years. Before the Sky Train went up, Sukhamvit Road was 6 lanes of traffic, 5 north and 1 south in the mornings. Then sometime after lunch it was all change and became 5 south and one north. If that isn't mad, I don't know what is. The proverbial in a brewery is the only thing missing. Or is it?
  3. Look beneath the obvious signs we see every day and look for the true reasons. First and foremost is the lack of a meaningful education. The kids are like alarm clocks, every night they are told what to do and every morning they do what they are told. Then all of a sudden they are let out into the world and no one to tell them what to do. And why? Because the people who have control, want it that way. The consequences of those actions are just collateral damage. Will it ever change? Who knows, but it will be a long time coming.
  4. Now how come I didn't think of that, I've been here long enough to know better
  5. 80% of the population are stupid and the other 20% live off them.
  6. Evening All. I have a UK Visa debit card which I can load up with Thai Baht at any time using the phone app. It can obviously be used to make purchases and in any ATM. It cannot be used to transfer cash to a Thai bank. My question is, would it be classed as income as I am not physically transferring cash to Thailand? My personal opinion is no, but this is Thailand, and we all know how things can be interpreted to suit the situation as they see it.
  7. Savings would be a good guess!
  8. $215=£180 approx To a UK pensioner, that can be a fair slice of their income.
  9. I had both eyes done, a month apart, at Bangkok Hospital KK earlier this year. 80K for each eye, I am well pleased with the result.
  10. All that could be true, but hey, keep an open mind!
  11. I can guess, but I bet you wouldn't call a spade a spade if you fell over it in the dark!
  12. When you pay peanuts there is only one kind of taker, hence this result.
  13. It is not a dislike of the water fight so much, as the idiots who are throwing the water!
  14. You mean she could out shine a TOC H Lamp!?
  15. I get the impression you like black paint? However, each to their own.
  16. My take on all this tax nonsense, is to sit back and wait for the Thai Revenue Dept to send a request of my earnings. If I get one, we will see what the demand is. If I don't..............
  17. Not a bad idea, as long as they don't bring the WOKE police chiefs with them. What could possibly go wrong?
  18. Its the way I'm stood.
  19. No chance, Everything was on ration when I was a kid.
  20. Which is possibly why there don't so much.
  21. More than likely its the uniform helps him feel important. Empty vessels make the most noise.
  22. I believe you could have left out 'almost'.
  23. In so many cases, effective parenting doesn't come into the formula unfortunately. And more especially in the rural areas of Thailand. Buddha rules these peoples lives in so many ways when most have to consult with a monk before taking any kind of meaningful decision. The reason being, they are not taught to think, only what to think. Hence they consult with the monks on any, to them, major decision in their life. It all come down to control, which starts at the top.
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