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Everything posted by Surasak

  1. Now I know why so much crap drops of this pen!
  2. None sense was not was not requested, and not wanted.
  3. What else would I expect!?
  4. The guy across the road on the corner from me needs a talking too. At least twice a week he burns rubbish which stinks to high heaven, and of course a right arrogant so and so to boot.
  5. Thanks for the reply. I don't think it was deliberately installed to scan my property, more the point the installers possibly didn't align the camera correctly. I know it was mounted and the guy left with his ladder and didn't return. So possible not the owners fault. I can see this camera from the kitchen window and today, just after dark, my son left the house via the front door and the camera light came on. I will await further comments.
  6. Can anyone shed some light on the rules/laws of privacy regarding CCTV camera placing and coverage? My next door neighbour has recently moved in and fitted cameras that look well over my property. To the point I cannot sit in my lounge without being seen on his cameras. I cant leave the front door without being seen also. I obviously don't want to go in and cause a problem without some facts. So any suggestions, please?
  7. Having been an NHS manager many years ago, I can only agree.
  8. Wherever did you get the idea that the NHS is great? Its not called the NO HOPE SERVICE, for no reason.
  9. Decades behind certainly. Over 30 years ago, my then wife and I bought some jewellery at a store in BKK, but the bracelet was slightly small. As it was a matching piece of 4 items, ear rings and necklace, we were advised it would be adjusted and delivered later in the day. Having given the hotel details we were told it would be delivered at 5pm that day. It was and a fitting carried out in the lobby. No extra charges although a new link and 5mm pearl had been added.
  10. How can you say, "Refusing to learn English"? When many schools have teachers of "English", who have no idea of the language they teach, and that includes foreign supposed English speakers!
  11. That statement is from your point of view. Do you ever stop to think how some of these people survive on 300b/day, and in many, many cases much less? There is a lady of about 65 who passes my house 2 or 3 times a week pushing a battered old supermarket trolley, collecting odds and ends from peoples bins. I know where she lives, and quite frankly I wouldn't keep a dog in her place. However, she is always dressed in clean clothes, if a bit faded and worn. I know there are many, many people like her, surviving from day to day on next to nothing. Could you do that!!??
  12. Can you be sure of that!? Mostly in the UK, its not what you know, but who you know, and the tie you wear can get you many things.
  13. The UK police couldn't find a bright candle in a dark room. About as dim as a TOC H Lamp.
  14. No wish to put a stick in the pot and stir, but one point appears to be missing here, re info from different TRDs. We have all had the experience at different Immigration offices. NO TWO ARE THE SAME, or very rarely! Shouldn't we be treating info from the TRD offices with the same caution?
  15. The Twilight Zone. Imagine if you will... A world where people believe, that the temperature of the planet can be controlled by giving money to the government....
  16. Unfortunately mine didn't. I came away with an assurance, no tax was payable on my UK incomes. However, I was given a form with a T.I.N. I will entrust the filling of said form, to my son to complete the necessary details, to ensure he receives his usual monthly allowance. More than one way of skinning a cat.
  17. Labour do not help the working people, unless they get much more from their very little effort.
  18. Embassy premises are classed as being part of the country they represent, negating your statement.
  19. Sorry, got ahead of myself. make sure the A/C is current.
  20. Okay, so give it a go. If you have the APP you should be able to organize that. Just ensure the card is current.
  21. I personally would go to the local tax office. If you don't speak Thai, then take some you can trust with you. I find them most helpful and obliging. Just make sure you take all your paperwork, which will save a lot of delay.
  22. Apologies, I missed it. There was a charge although rather small, of 59.64 THB. Sorry for the mistake.
  23. With Revolut you can actually close the A/C within the APP.
  24. I didn't make it clear. The transfer was in THB from Revolut not GBP. Maybe that was the reason of no fee??
  25. I was referencing a Revolut card, not a Wise card. As I have no use for a Wise card, I wouldn't know.
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