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Everything posted by Enoon

  1. So much nicer in the good old days, when "Israeli" was invariably followed by "family", "Holocaust" and everyone burst into tears. Thank Netanyahu for the passing of those days.
  2. Indeed. It would have been a good idea for some earlier contributors on this thread to have actually read it before MSNphobic auto-heckling.
  3. "....they will simply reincarnate as the 'X Forward Party' for the next election......" Why bother? They have already tried to play the fixed game twice as FF and MF, but they have known all along that those were long shots and that they would most likely have to escalate: “If parliament cannot be an effective arena for settling differences of opinion and finding consensus among parties and people of different ideologies, then of course, people will have little choice but to go to extra-parliamentary means to voice their opinions and to push for changes,” https://www.thaipbsworld.com/move-forward-to-press-ahead-with-amending-article-112-but-within-limits-imposed-by-court/ The ballot box means nothing in Thailand.
  4. In other words they are alcoholics who, like you, don't really know about the other alcoholics that they find themselves washed up next to. Reason being that, like you (and every other alky in the world) they talk only about about themselves and have no interest in anybody, or anything, else. Nothing else except, of course, your precious ******* alcohol....how you drink it, how you mix it, when you drink it, how it makes you feel, what you feel like when you can't get it. Other people, including other alcoholics, are only there to be talked at...... not listened to. You talk only about your self-absorbed, self-indulgent, self-loathing, self-pitying, out of control, car crash of a life (as you do on AN) and don't listen.......they talk only about themselves and don't listen. That is the essence of "friendship" among alcoholics. Complete ******* bores the lot of you.
  5. Manufactured by Beechcraft.......but originally designed by Pilatus (SWITZERLAND!) as the PC-9: Beechcraft licence produce it as the T-6 Trainer (also supplied to RTAF) and, as is common with military trainers, developed an armed Light Attack version. Related news: https://www.key.aero/article/thailand-retires-pc-9-trainers-after-30-years-ops
  6. The majority of every generation eventually says more or less the same things as you do. They firmly confirm, as you do, that they belong to yesterday. It's official.......you are old.
  7. I saw no sign of a "hitchhiker". I saw someone walk in front of a vehicle compelling it to slow down and stop.
  8. What race does Hester belong to such that he was subject to racism? Irish is not a race....it is a Nationality. The Irish are an Ethno-national group.
  9. That's some ****** up logic system that you've bought into. Being a screwed up foreigner is bad.......but being Thai and brutalising someone you know, while the rest of your "society", including the police, look the other way, is fine? I guess all those Thai guys who murder their exes are also "nothing out of the ordinary", nothing to attract comment?
  10. Foreigners are no more "obsessed" with ladyboys than they are obsessed with women. Does the fact that that 100's of thousands of foreigners turn up in Thailand, to have reasonably priced, easily and openly available, stigma free, no strings, leisure sex with women indicate that they are "obsessed" and can't have sex with them in their own country? Those are the reasons for Thailands enormously popular and lucrative leisure sex trade catering to foreign tourists: Reasonably priced, easily and openly available, stigma free.........all on the back of a cheap tropical holiday. It has proven a winning formula for Thai tourism.
  11. si·ne·cure /ˈsinəˌkyo͝or/ noun noun: sinecure; plural noun: sinecures a position requiring little or no work but giving the holder status or financial benefit. "political sinecures for the supporters of ministers" Similar: easy job, soft option, cushy number, money for old rope, money for jam, picnic, doddle, walk in the park, cinch, gravy train, bludge.
  12. He deliberately attempted to stop her, pulling in front and across her direction of travel and braking hard, to a standstill, with little or no time for her to stop. Clearly shown when this story started rolling on Saturday:
  13. However it might be reasonable to infer that they were free to leave the plantation: A witness told reporters that, on March 6, he saw a bronze pickup truck arrive and park in front of Somjit’s plantation. The dogs ran to it, after which and the vehicle sped off. The witness does not say that they saw someone leaving the vehicle and taking food to the dogs on the plantation.
  14. And It is not an "unlikely friendship". They have so much in common that it was very likely that a friendship would be forged if they were sat next to each other for what was probably a 12-13+ hours flight. Possibly an unlikely or remarkable coincidence that they should be sat together......but not an unlikely friendship. Cc: Puntid Tantivangphaisal
  15. However Biden will have people to help him if he gets re-elected......he will welcome their counsel. Trump will only have people to obey him and satisfy what will, eventually, destroy him........his narcissism. Trump has no concern for any "country"......his patriotism is that which Dr Johnson wrote of: "In 1774, he printed The Patriot, a critique of what he viewed as false patriotism. On the evening of 7 April 1775, he made a famous statement: "Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel." The line was not, as is widely believed, about patriotism in general but rather what Johnson saw as the false use of the term "patriotism" by William Pitt, 1st Earl of Chatham (the patriot minister) and his supporters. Johnson opposed most "self-professed patriots" in general but valued what he considered "true" patriotism" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_views_of_Samuel_Johnson Trump rides the patriotic tide to serve his own vain needs......not those of any nation, politics, ideology or people. He is a self-serving opportunist whose narcissism commands his behaviour. Biden, on the other hand, is just a tired old man. Both terrible candidates, but only one of them will seek to take the country down with him in his own spiral of self-destruction.......it had a taste of that on Jan 6th 2021.
  16. Words that were not said on the boat: "Don't touch or take anything down there" "Drop that back in the water and don't post what you did on the internet" Why not........because 100% guaranteed that the foreigner will get all the **** thrown at them. Or is there a chance that the boat owner will be charged with conspiracy to commit a crime/aiding and abetting a crime/transporting contraband?
  17. "We are going to see more and more of these articles, so many losers coming to Thailand now, without money."
  18. You think the Norwegian hasn't got money?: "Sekkesaeter is the general manager of Pure Lifestyle, a company that operates Pha Ngan Paragon Resort & Spa" They are tying her to a stake because she gave a couple of people a lift in her car.
  19. "he had already spent all the money on self-entertainment." That can't be right.....since when did "self entertainment" require payment?
  20. You would like it in the UK. If you are a dumb 15 year old teenager, British born, who got sucked into ISIS, they will strip you of your nationality and banish you; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shamima_Begum Have fun with that one guys.
  21. Were licences previously issued, legitimately, to foreigners, revoked? I can't be @rsed to find out but I'm confident that you are.
  22. He sings Thai country music.......Luk Thung. Thought it totally weird when I saw him years ago; Not as weird as the "Best Foreign Husband" competitions though;
  23. Act normal and smile a lot.
  24. That house looks beautiful.......I hope you get the contract sorted OK.
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