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Everything posted by seedy

  1. Here is a few other things which need to be hated ... Intolerance, Bigotry, Profiling, Arrogance, Ignorance ...
  2. Ancient Sumerian women's earrings are the earliest earrings archaeologists have discovered—they date from perhaps 2500 B.C.E. and are typically gold hoops. Earrings of twisted wire, beads, and pendants were popular in the Aegean, Crete, and Cyprus. Some speculate that the tradition of Indian nose piercings began with the arrival of the Mughals from Central Asia in the 16th century. Others cite ancient Ayurvedic texts published between the 1st and 8th century BCE that suggest it has been around for much longer.
  3. Hogwash. And who - pray tell - are you to tell other people what to do with their bodies ?
  4. Different parts of the body are more sensitive than others. So 'take the pain' would depend ...
  5. Disagree. You ALWAYS have a choice. I was brought up a Catholic - was an altar boy - but I choose to cast that aside as a steaming pile of bull flop. Been a biker all my life. Never subscribed to the Status Quo. Always lived life on my terms. And paid for the consequences of my actions when "Society" deemed them 'unsuitable'
  6. No ? My cars cost per Km on LPG is 50% of the cost per Km of 95
  7. For the oil to turn 'milky' it needs to be contaminated with water. If your cooling system has coolant in it the coolant is not good for the engine oil. If the cooling system contains straight water - very common here as coolant (for example I use Toyota branded coolant at over 900 THB for 4 liters) then it very well may be caused by your short journeys. 6KM is hardly enuf time to warm up the oil and evaporate the water in the oil. A good long ride - one to two hours - and check oil then thru the sight glass. If the 'milky' disappears - you have the cause. If it persists - then water (coolant) is leaking from the cooling system into the engine. By the BY - do you have to add water (coolant) ever ?
  8. For those who have posted above what they THINK they know about Covid vaccines, this makes interesting reading. https://ebm.bmj.com/content/27/4/199 Bottom line - we (the worlds population) were not made aware of data which would have allowed an informed choice. And this data is still not available.
  9. It is not correct in all cases. Did you read my post ? Raised the floor 3cm. Tank capacity 54 liter
  10. Run Pirelli Diablo Scooter on my '13 Excellent wet and dry. Good tread life.
  11. Believing for a millisecond that more than a handful - a very small handful - of people can be trusted absolutely.
  12. Thanks for that - I do not watch many TV series but thought I would try it out ... The first 2.5 minutes hooked me !
  13. Hogwash - your lack of knowledge is very telling. Raised floor in the back of one of ours only 3cm - what a HUGE loss 555.
  14. When Ernest Seton turned 21, his father handed him an itemized bill for everything spent on him up to that point. The total came to $537.50 and his father set the interest rate at 6%. Seton paid the debt, but changed his name and never talked to his father again.
  15. Good post. One point tho' - Altho' the CAN be recycled, there is this ... The valorization of waste lithium-ion batteries and their materials through recycling has gained significant attention in recent years. The recycling rate of lithium-ion batteries is still low at under 5%, however. The main reasons for this are cost and the complexity of recycling methods. https://www.azom.com/news.aspx?newsID=57992
  16. Two of ours run LPG since new. One 220K one 260K - no issues 16.5 THB per liter if memory serves. But don't tell the EV Zealots this - they will push for a ban on LPG as it comes from that dirty old crude oil, along with medicine, fertilizer, plastic, etc etc etc
  17. Try reading the whole post - picking and snipping to make a non existent point makes you look ... well ...
  18. Not just here - World Wide. I been riding bikes a long time. The only understanding you need to keep alive is - Be Aware Beware Assume all other road users are out to kill you and you would not be far off. This also applies to driving cars and trucks - small and large. Keep the brake covered, head on a swivel - which includes mirrors. You may need the Xtra meters you gain on a bike by doing so.
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