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Everything posted by seedy

  1. $60 - forget getting anything decent.
  2. And therein lies the Heart of the whole debate on EVs in LOS. 'If you do not do what I do then you are not Normal' 555
  3. Been a while since I did it, when I took the HD to Singapore the last time pre-Covid. You must have the green book translated into English by an approved Translation service - I sent mine to BKK via EMS and was back in a week. We crossed at Sadao. You go to the border, shops there will sell you a sticker which is a translation of your Thai license plate into English. I have no windshield, so cut the sticker and put the letters on LH fork leg and the numbers on RH fork leg. No issue. Also have to buy insurance for the duration of your stay. There is also a 3 page document you get from Thai Customs. Fill it out. You deposit one copy leaving Thailand. Do not lose the other copies, as you deposit one more copy entering back into the Kingdom. Some have said that if the Green book is not in your name a Power of Attorney form would suffice. Have no direct knowledge of that. You will love the roads in Malaysia. Smooth as a pool table.
  4. No Spain Now forum ? Or better to come on here and insult people ?
  5. Sure they do - they give Advice ! Know why it is Free ? - 'cause it ain't worth anything !
  6. The charging network is improving all the time. The question is what the rates will do if EVs are widely adopted. My guess - rise to take up the slack in lost fuel tax. Re: the maintenance - I have been wondering this myself. Looking at the established brands of ICE vehicles I see poor to non existent training and upgrading in any vehicle systems. The bare bones basics are covered - stuff I learned at 10 years old - oil changes, tire inflation, etc. Computer diagnostics - might as well ask the dealerships about quantum physics, the answer will be the same. As EVs, hybrids, etc have a LOT of computing power, it remains to be seen what will happen when they fail - and they WILL fail. Send the control modules back to China for repair ? Doubt it. My guess - tell the customer "You need a new one" - translation - we do not have a clue how to diagnose let alone repair the unit and will shoot it with the parts cannon until it works properly. Was helping a guy recently - Honda CR-V - drivers window stuck down. Hondas solution - replace everything, motor, the window regulator, the tracks !!! Came to me, I replaced the switch ! This is where all new vehicles are headed, and EVs will be more of the same
  7. As a safety feature it requires electric power to release it.
  8. You will be hard pressed to find anyone in LOS who is doing this. Due to the high cost and limited market very few takers. Near 117,000 THB For myself, since I had my fist set of mag wheels, I would never go back to spokes, unless on a pure dirt bike.
  9. Yup - those were the days. Sign "Oh Britannia", or "La Marseillaise", to name just two. And follow the orders of some preppy public school Idiot who sends you 'Over the Top', and then sits down at an oak table with linen tablecloth and drinks tea from china cups. And how DARE those lower class people resist, argue, or not follow orders ! Shocking !
  10. Also have to deal with their best efforts to treat the majority of the population they are sworn to protect and serve as "Them" versus the Thin Blue Line "Us". Arrest, incarcerate without grounds, send innocent people to jail for years, bully, ... Yeah - tuff job
  11. So ... if you were a plumber, or an accountant, then it would be OK ? 555
  12. 555 - Real Safe !!! Can imagine - snowy/icy roads, kids in the car, BANG - right into the steel barrier.
  13. Hear Hear Funny how both parties send their kids to the same schools, belong to the same clubs, socialize together. Face It - the Deck is rigged.
  14. Anyone who remotely entertains the idea that PTSD is not real has led a very sheltered life.
  15. I see that internet access and speed have improved a lot under his bridge !!!
  16. Excellent advice You Tube has a channel - Car Ninja - German Auto Centre. Compares a Chinese $100 water pump with a $600 - 700 German made one for a BMW. These pumps have a circuit board inside, and guess which one failed in less than a year ? With no warranty. Take a guess at what the R and R costs and you will NOT buy knockoffs in that application again. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtEVJt0r0akdubSmLZhqf7A
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