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Everything posted by seedy

  1. Find a 'Pretty' online - where it's at these days Go to any restaurant you choose with her.
  2. When I lived in Dawson, YT a small child was bitten by a dog wandering loose. City issued a warning - control your dogs or else. Hired a local who was given a Gov't pickup, ski mask, and a 12 gauge. After a dozen dogs were 'fixed' the problem went away. None of this bull manure about 'Oh the dogs are so kind when given a good home' If they had a good home they would not be running loose.
  3. This is by far the most realistic WW2 reenactment I have ever seen
  4. Japanese breakthrough in hydrogen production.
  5. Saw one recently from 2008. Seems odd that a thread that old - which no one replied to for 11 years - did not go the way of the Dodo. Things changed a lot since then.
  6. Wonder which thread has been going the longest - and still not archived ?
  7. Those people have always had a voice - just not so public. You still have the choice to ignore them. Do you read posts from Fanatics - of any stripe - on any subject ? If you do, you gotta ask yourself "Why ?"
  8. Last time I was there, in a 5 star hotel, on the balcony at night, listening to the gunfire across the city. Nice !
  9. Go to McDonalds - security guard with a 12 gauge Go to supermarket - 2 security guards with handguns. The Defense rests your honor
  10. Want a fast car - get one that does the 1/4 mile in under 10 seconds. THATS a fast car.
  11. You have obviously NEVER been in a fast car if you think a 50HP MG is fast
  12. Now there is an oxymoron if I have ever heard one !
  13. Green on white denotes a 2 door pickup. Purportedly more for utility use for a small business so lower tax. 4 door pickups are taxed as a car - higher rate. Non Thai can drive both.
  14. I bought my L at MSRP from Nat Motors CNX Most times - bikes and cars - you will get a better deal by going to the smaller towns to shop. Our MUX we saved 50K by buying in Lamphun instead of CNX - which paid for a kicking head unit. All the usual freebies included in the price. Find a place that rents them - even if it involves a trip. Cheap to travel here. Book a 1 or 2 day rental, try it out, then go shopping. For an on/off road bike I chose the L as I would have smashed up the plastic on the Rally already ! Plus I don't like the wrapped in plastic look on any bike.
  15. Save My Ink Forever, just like its name, has developed a proprietary process to preserve the tattoos by working with licensed morticians across the US to excise the tissues around the tattoos of a dead person and send them to the company whose lab is based in Ohio https://www.designboom.com/art/save-my-ink-forever-extract-preserve-tattoos-06-30-2022/
  16. I have a 2017 purchased new. Converted to 300cc. Fitted 17's from new, and now running CB500X aluminum wheels. Ohlins front and back, 2" bar risers, manual cam chain adjuster. Live in CNX so tour all over the North. Stay on secondary roads so speed is never an issue. Altho I cruise at 100 Kmh when I have to go on the Super Slab. Approaching 30K Km - no issues
  17. This and all the other "stupid, negative, criminal, ugly" comments by posters in this thread confirms my belief that the world is full of people who have not learned the simple precept 'Live and Let Live' These would be the same people who support, or are - Fascists, Bigots, Racists, etc. A simple "I do not like tattoos, so I choose not to have any" would be enuf. But Oh No - Insult, denigrate, any who choose other than they do. Getting a Tattoo is a Choice, a personal choice. Others do not have to like it, agree with it, know the reasons for getting it. It is none of their business. Want to know the reason - ask. Don't judge.
  18. No 10 meter stack of Marshalls ? Pity !!! 555 Try this one ...
  19. I am right - I track fuel consumption. 16.70 THB per liter in CNX 22 Oct
  20. Oh Boy - Drugs AND dirty money. What a payday ! Sell the drugs and get paid twice !
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