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Everything posted by seedy

  1. We do the same - in the parking lot after all paperwork taken care of. Always surprises them !!! 555
  2. Never been asked by the police for $$$ after accident. Always have First Class insurance - or 2+ - then call the insurance company, they send someone out who handles everything. Do they pay the police - Unknown.
  3. There is a Wat near Mae Hong Son where English speaking monks live and teach. But running to - or away - from whatever is not , IM not so HO, wise. You can Run, but you Can't Hide.
  4. Children need to be taught to stand up, think for themselves, and don't take bull from anyone.
  5. You would need to source and install a heater core, and a fan to drive air through said core. Then fit ducting to defrosters and vents. Then find a 2 places on the engine block or cylinder head to take warm water to the heater core, and return it to the engine. The model was sold in China so a heater most likely was available.
  6. Use ours all the time in cool season. Early mornings - and high humidity on the windshield are 2 very real scenarios. Of course if you can hold your breath while driving then it is not such a problem. Seen 6 C here - think that is cool enuf ?
  7. Hogwash. Being clueless about riding is not safe - I'll give you that. Life is not safe.
  8. Very Sadly - I agree. Seems like even after all this time, all the revelations, no one is willing to tell the whole story and attempt to right the wrongs by those involved. The one I like the best - out of a Bad Batch the lot of them, is 'Vietnam: The 10,000 Day War. Available on UTube
  9. I will give you 'some' - which can be extended to most any subject. Here is what I based my quote on ... https://www.skincancer.org/risk-factors/skin-type/
  10. So ... it is NOT 'Free' am·or·tize verb past tense: amortised; past participle: amortised gradually write off the initial cost of (an asset) over a period. "they want to amortize the tooling costs quickly" reduce or pay off (a debt) with regular payments. "loan fees can be amortized over the life of the mortgage"
  11. Gotta laugh - 'white skinned farangs' 555 Skin is skin - other than the type of melanin. That being said - Dr Vachiraporn is my go to lady for skin care - white, black, tan, purple, green, whatever !
  12. Glad it worked out well. Looks Great !
  13. Wow - and you do not know what 'Free' means ... Makes no difference if you power your car from excess solar - it still ain't 'Free' Free is where the solar companies come to your house, install the panels, do the wiring, charge controller, etc, and leave without you having to pay one baht That's Free But the Musk-o-vites will NEVER admit that they're wrong, that solar panels are a no go for the vast majority of people who wish to have EV's - those that live in condos, apartments, in the city where EV make sense. Only rich white people, patting themselves on the back, saying how smart they are, building Eco houses which are not eco, getting free electricity which is not free, and gloating at the rest of the population. As evidenced in the many EV forums across the WWW
  14. No bike entry into Vietnam unless part of an organized tour
  15. It is not - only in the minds of the Faithful. Pay 350,000 THB and get free electricity - what is wrong with this picture ? And electric rates have already started to rise for EV charging around the world. Think power companies are fools ? If there is a market they will profit from it.
  16. Why would you buy from OEM ? No manufacturer makes suspension parts - Moog, KYB, et al make them. All the OEM do is have them put in their box and double or triple the price
  17. If I had my books done the same as you do re: cost of your EV I would have a huge tax bill, plus charges, and risk jail. If you wish to be taken seriously - consider how much the EV takes from the solar array and add that to the cost of the EV. Your way is kinda like saying "My wife got a new car, but it is in her name, so it did not cost me anything. It is not MY car" 555
  18. Don't know how old you are, but I figured out how stupid the world was - is - and will be - not long after my teens. Who cares if you 'understand' it ? What is to understand ? Most people are Idiots. There - done and dusted.
  19. The best way is to hit the local market near where you wish to rent. The local people know - here as anywhere else in the world - who has land and/or houses for sale/rent. Most not even listed. If you have wheels go exploring, but seems this is not an option for you. Real estate websites can also help - there are many.
  20. So will you add the depreciation to the cost of your new EV ? Online search has prices from 689 - 799 THB Or is this the same line item as your 'free' solar power that you use to charge with ?
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