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Everything posted by seedy

  1. Suffering from Kardashian Syndrome, a rare case where all the contents of your skull head south to fill in your glutes.
  2. Travel back in time for me ... TPB
  3. You will find with 1 or 2+ or 2 that an older vehicle will have a low payout if a write off. At 15 years old you may - as an example - have a payout of 100,000 THB but premiums may be 10,000 THB Only you can decide if the cost of premiums justifies the payout you will receive. As an example - not a car but a bike, same rules apply - my PCX bought new and been on first class since 2013 has a payout of 26,000 THB with premiums of 5,000 THB. Not worth it in my estimation. Downgraded to 3 class this year.
  4. By definition - if they do not object then they are non 'law abiding' You are happy with locking up people without due process ? And that is law abiding ?
  5. You must mean for Thailand. Been in production since late 2019
  6. To paraphrase ... First they came for the Bikies, and I did not speak out - because I was not a Bikie This is the point I was trying to convey. The beginning of a slippery slope when you start to blanket ban anything. In another country it has gotten so far out of hand that they stormed the Capitol - rioting Right Wingers attempting to declare a democratic election invalid. Attempt to seize the Vice President. Look at the rise of Fascists around the world. This is dangerous for all, and it all starts with such a small step that the majority of people are unfazed about.
  7. Not a Ford - but a diesel Isuzu.
  8. It is sad that the people of Aus did not step up and be heard of this flagrant failure of the Judicial process. Just another example - from many countries around the world - of the "If it does not affect me I don't care" outlook on life. And slowly everybody's rights and freedom are eroded.
  9. Was there a referendum put before the Aus citizens to establish this ? Or was it a "Let's make the news, get our face out there, and get reelected" political move. And - most important - it was wrong. As I said before - "Guilty until proven innocent" Have all 'Bikies' been charged, tried, and found guilty ? If not, then it is WRONG
  10. I did not realize you were a Thai national. Do you purport to speak for all Thai People ? If so, politics is-a-calling
  11. Was in a Songthaew with over 750,000 Km Engine never been opened. If yours has had regular oil changes expect the same.
  12. The shop I use to service our fleet passed on some interesting facts re: MG ... Seems CP Group owns the dealership in Thailand, and they have special offers for Thai Gov't employees. Hence the number of vehicles available on the second hand market.
  13. You must declare a value - also can add 'gift' Altho' Customs has "seen it all before" 555
  14. When and if you fit a new pump, do yourself a huge favour ... Install a Racor filter as the first line of defence. Comes with water separator built in. We fit them on all our diesel engines - gensets, pumps, trucks, dozers, loaders, excavators. For a 4 cylinder diesel the 500 series is large enuf
  15. You are 'Guilty' because of ... The people you associate with (Hello Joseph McCarthy) The length of your hair The color of your skin The music you listen to The beliefs you hold Makes no difference if you are charged with any crime, or had your day in court, or are found not guilty ... All of the above fit right in with the Yahoos who banned 'Bikie' colors in the Land Down Under. Do posters EVER read what they write before hitting the 'Submit Reply' ? Carry this a step further "people holding Australian passports have been found to break the law. Let's BAN all Australians"
  16. "We" - who, pray tell, is this mythical We ... People with biased opinions based on what a person wears, the people they associate with ? What is next - "We" do not want people of color, or of this religion, ... You never answered the question I posed in the post you replied to ...
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